Colorado considers reducing hunter access


Dec 23, 2000
Instead of continuing to lease hunting rights to the CDOW for the general public, the State Land Board wants to start a program similar to the Ranching for Wildife program, allowing the Board to sell tags for hunting on State Trust Land at whatever the market will allow. How many of you here are willing to pay $3000-$4000 to hunt?

"Colorado's State Board of Land Commissioners has begun a process that, if approved by the administration of Gov. Bill Owens, would allow the land agency to directly supervise big-game hunting on its expansive holdings to the extent of selling exclusive, high-priced licenses to select individuals."

Full Story Here

What a great deal.

Give leasees 90% of the tags to do with what they want, but dont worry the public can have the crumbs (10% of the available tags).

Oh, and help them with the elk over-population problem by killing cows.

I guess while the public lands hunter is taking it in the ass, they should grin and bear it, because they get to kill a cow yearly and a bull every ten years or so. While at the same time some rich bastard gets a quality hunt each you're expense.

I wonder if its too late to impeach Owens? He sounds like a real champion of wildlife and hunters!
I think it has already been proven that I am pro ranching and your not. No need to beat a dead dog or sound like a broken record. I like to spend my time doing things other than playing the political pissing match game and believing everything I read. I wish I had your time. Maybe if I had to hunt those big chunks of BLM I would also have your convictions. Between my inlaws and my family there is over 60,000 acres and maybe a section worth of BLM in all of it. They are just little 40 and 80 acre chunks of land and are not fenced off, just part of a pasture. So it's a different situation.

Ithaca, if you just want to argue, pick a topic and I'll check in once in a while and sling a little crap with you. How about who consistantly gets more trophy bucks? Do you hunt or just talk about how bad everything is? I don't have a problem, I get trophy animals off public and private.
No need to tell me you're pro ranching, Troy. Saw you coming a mile away. I knew you wouldn't want to debate welfare ranching. We can't ever find anyone who can defend it. I wish we could. Actually, I'm pro ranching too. I think grazing is a valuable management tool, it's just the overgrazing and destruction of public land I'm against and I don't mind discussing it with ranchers.

If you look around some of the sections here you might find a few pictures of some game. I'll try to find you a link.

Got one! There's another link to more pictures in this topic:

Here's another bunch of pictures:

I don't post a lot of pictures, just a few samples. Got lots more but can't get around to posting them.
Have you posted any? I always like looking at good bucks.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-16-2003 21:22: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I happen to have got a digital camera a few months ago. I don't have a picture hosting site, but I know a guy on here that might post a few pics for me. Great sheep pics, can't seem to draw a tag here and can't afford else where. What do you do for a living Ithaca? I think I made a bad career choice.
This is definitely a major set-back if it goes through.....
Pure genius. How else do you make game herds stricken with CWD worth so much.

Truthfully though, it doesn'tsoundgood for sportsmen, and welfare hunters.

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