I have enough points as a nonresident to possibility draw a unit 76 early rifle tag, unit 76 muzzleloader tag or mabye a unit 61 bow tag. I have read all I can about both units over the many years I have been gaining points I know all the pluses and minuses of each unit still when it comes time to actually have a chance to use my points I keep second guessing myself. I have been elk hunting for as long as I have been gaining points but never with a rifle or muzzleloader bowhunting has always been my passion, but I wouldn't mind a good rifle or muzzleloader hunt in a limited draw unit. I have taken one bull over 300 so that is kind of my goal doesn't need to be 320 or anything just a good solid six point. I guess I am just looking for some guys who have done these hunts in the last few years on your own. Is 76 doable without horses? I'm in fair shape I run a few full and half marathons every year so I can take alot but I have heard it's some pretty rough country. I will be taking a minimum of two weeks if I did the rifle or muzzy hunt for hunting and scouting and at least three for the archery hunt.