Cold day on the Montana prairie

Congratulations to you and your daughter! I bet you were so nervous that the buck would get away without a shot with all the time that transpired. I'm glad it worked out.😁
Congratulations to you and your daughter! I bet you were so nervous that the buck would get away without a shot with all the time that transpired. I'm glad it worked out.😁

I was!!!! Man, it is a great exercise in patience when you take a kid hunting.It is so hard to train them to find the animal in their scope and take the first good shot they have. Thankfully we have lots of gophers out here, and that has helped them a lot with target acquisition, but man oh man, when you have a buck standing there for minutes at a time and they have had numerous opportunities to shoot, it can drive a dad crazy! LOL.... thankfully I have mellowed out over the years and am not too hard on them if the opportunity is missed. I know there are wayyyy bigger problems in the world than a missed hunting opportunity, and that keeps me calm..... (most of the time;)