PEAX Equipment

CO Unit 2 Archery Elk

More cool stuff KHunter. Looks like you were just getting the kinks worked out of that road for the next guy. Awful nice of you to take time from your hunt and do that kind of public service work.

Go get 'em.
Here is a nice deer I saw on the way into my unit. As always seems to be the case with early season elk, the bucks are just standing around in bow range.....

This next photo is not that great but a neat deer taken when I was rushing out to terra firma to pick up the wife who joined the hunt for a few days. She did a great job calling elk for me over 2.5 days, I passed on the better 6-point Bull she brought in. Not a popular choice....

Deer definitely standing around in bow range, right off a 2-track.n iceBuckon318.jpgdeerDouglasmtn2.jpg
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As always seems to be the case with early season elk, the bucks are just standing around in bow range.....

...calendar mulies. Notice that every year in Co during 1st rifle elk.
Love following along on this thread KHunter.
Keep up the updates and kill a monster.
A wallow that is somewhat central to a bull infested area I was hunting. My wife called in a pretty nice 6 pt to us about 300 yards from here.

That same night we had the coolest encounter, we were calling to one bull in one direction, while some cow elk were on the other side of us. We were on the edge of an upslope and timber but were in fairly thick greasewood/Mountain Mahogany and sage mix. The bull we were after was bugling at us, and one of the cows starting doing the same elongated pre-estrus calls we were trying to do. Then we hear an elk in the timber in front of us coming in.

Next thing you know we are hearing the constant huffing sound of the bull trying mightily to call some of the cows into him without the other bull catching on. Only time I had ever heard it (or heard of it) was on an Elknut CD. Was exactly the sound he was making and my statement of what the bull was trying to do is what Elknut was saying the call purpose was. What we saw and heard seemed to match that. Very cool.

Now while on hunting hiatus I have been trying it around the house to see what I might bring in. SO far just annoyed stares from the wife. Need to practice more...Wallow.jpg
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had to work this week. headed back up this afternoon for the final 8 days or till I tag the bull I am looking for. Will try to drop in an update in here if I find cell coverage up there.

Hope everybody is out on their own hunts or done by now!
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OK, Kirby, season ended about an hour ago. Which of the bulls in those pictures now has residency privileges in your living room? Or, one even bigger.

Been following the story over on Bowsite and hope to hear some of the details here.
OK, Kirby, season ended about an hour ago. Which of the bulls in those pictures now has residency privileges in your living room? Or, one even bigger.

Been following the story over on Bowsite and hope to hear some of the details here.

I would have been posting here if I could have with my phone but always got a 'not enough memory' error when trying.

Guys will have to wade through a tale of the hunt and I hope, very cool photos as the hunt proceeded, before getting to the final hours of the season. This is the first hunt where I prioritized taking photos and kept a camera and video cam at the ready for quick-draw (from my MR gear box holsters ;)). On many occasions as a bull closed in I made a judgment that he was not 'the one' and pulled out a camera. Took photos as close as 10 feet of bulls coming in.

Here is just one teaser photo I took the other day on a bull I did not shoot at 40 feet and then 35 yards for several minutes. Took pictures and video instead. As you can see he just shook off and made a cloud of dust in the effort.

There was another bull that came in to 10 feet to me and then looped over in front of these elk, causing them to get bunched up when they had been spread out pretty good. They watched that other bull till he left then spread out again and went about their business.BigMuddyBullHillside.jpg
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When I say bunched up, this is what I mean. And the other bull was a dink in comparison.

here is a 2nd photo of both bulls in one view. The near bull came to 10 feet to my left and through thick trees you cannot see, then looped around to this 20? yard walk by.BigMuddyBull_OtherBull.jpg
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Dinkshooter is a whiz with google earth and finding stuff on the ground. Wonder if he is good enough to get zoomed in on my bull for an advanced view today. It is visible from the sky right now sitting in a giant galvanized tub simmering away.
A smaller bull that did not make the cut. swept back horn configuration.


Just a rub..


Heavily used wallow I was not smart enough to 'sit' but did chase a ton of elk nearby over a number of days.


Stopped long enough to take in some great views along the way...


I almost had to abandon the hunt because I A) ran out of coffee, B) Ran out of Hostess Donette's, and C) ran out of Beer. Seriously, It was rough out there.:rolleyes:
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pictures of all the bulls you didn't take, but none of the one you did? damn
pictures of all the bulls you didn't take, but none of the one you did? damn

man I am getting there. have a lot of crap to wade through after 20 hunting days, and gotta work.

If all folks want to see is dead elk this may be a waste of time to look at. Have 99 to one pictures and video of elk doing what elk do, prior to hopping into the bed of one's truck.:cool:
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