PEAX Equipment

CO: Reissue & Leftover Process potential change

I've seen it happen. Not necessarily high-point "glory tags" but it takes less than 5 minutes to pick off 10 tags for employees and friends.

It's hard to say how pervasive it's been the past few years, since only "Reissue Day" mattered. I can't imagine this flaw won't be exploited this summer.

Yep, I am not doubting that it happens. A buddy of mine that runs a fly shop has confirmed his guys have gotten a couple tags that way. But, I am doubting that ‘insiders’ are even close to the majority method by which those tags are acquired (pervasive).

But I concur with you and others that the vendor portals are a silly advantage in general.

Honestly, why are we still physically printing ANY kind of hunting or fishing license?

Maybe CPW has thought of this?

I don’t think they have at any level of detail.

I think CPW are working (as they should be) towards shortening the primary draw result cycle time so that the secondary draw will contain the first batch of reissue tags (their draw coordinator said similar in the spring meeting). That alleviates the first big batch of this ‘Problem’
Hopefully they reconsider and leave it as it is, IMO the random reissue is the best deal in the west, if you put in the time you will get a good tag, if you can't be bothered you have no chance, it rewards those who put time into trying to get a tag instead of relying on random luck competing against everyone every Wednesday... if they aren't going to release tags at random they should at least make it a random draw every week to level the playing field.
Well it was great while it lasted.

One year I snapped up 34 pref points worth of reissue tags (Elk/Deer/Lope) and another year a little less. That ends with the new system. Expect to get zero tags in the mad weekly rush. I did well while the getting was good and can’t complain but sure made time to provide testimony against what will be a cluster every single week and crashed servers repeatedly.
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Exactly, at least with the old system the machine advantage was mitigated. If license vendors had to use the same web portal it would be a different story.

End of the day it’s a ton of people trying to get a handful of tags, lots of people will be pissed... and what’s the point?

State may get more money with the refund system, if folks opt to get their points back, but then there is no net reduction in the point pool. So more creep.

Colorado needs to follow other states and get rid of the refund policy, sale is final at application, no refunds, no money back.

Their draw overlaps a handful of other states does it not? If they would make sure that their due date and results date interfered minimally or not at all with other draws, the need for refunds would drop dramatically.
Their draw overlaps a handful of other states does it not? If they would make sure that their due date and results date interfered minimally or not at all with other draws, the need for refunds would drop dramatically.
Yeah I think because we give away 50% of the total NR elk hunting opportunity in the country, everyone should just change for us... big kid in the sand box and all that...

Honestly though, I see absolutely for states to coordinate timing, if anything it's a negative or point creep. If anything states should all have their app and draw dates at the same time and make folks pick.
Yeah I think because we give away 50% of the total NR elk hunting opportunity in the country, everyone should just change for us... big kid in the sand box and all that...

Honestly though, I see absolutely for states to coordinate timing, if anything it's a negative or point creep. If anything states should all have their app and draw dates at the same time and make folks pick.

I would prefer that they coordinated deadlines, and went to random, but if they all made everyone pick that would likely reduce point creep everywhere.

The reason I have no CO points is the conflict with my favorite state combined with OTC opportunity. It’s like, why would I pay to build points, abstain from my favorite state the year I think I’m a lock to draw, and then draw neither one because of unexpected point creep, especially when I can go OTC as a back up. Lame.

I may give an OTC tag a try in a week or so though.
What about tags that don't become "available" until after the Weds draw but the season starts that Saturday? File 13? Wait until Weds again? The initial intent of the program was to make up for the $ lost when tags were returned and burned. Now it seems they certainly will be burning tags that could have been sold again just by the process itself.
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What about tags that don't become "available" until after the Weds draw but the season starts that Saturday? File 13? Wait until Weds again? The initial intent of the program was to make up for the $ lost when tags were returned and burned. Now it seems they certainly will be burning tags that could have been sold again just by the process itself.
Hey, this is a work in progress. I fully expect there to be at least 2-3 more changes over the course of the next couple of years, because the commission makes decisions on the fly during the meetings and doesn't bother to do the homework in between. Seriously, the dialogue and decision-making at the meetings these days just seems like stream of consciousness. One reason they revisit issues over and over and over....
Hey, this is a work in progress. I fully expect there to be at least 2-3 more changes over the course of the next couple of years, because the commission makes decisions on the fly during the meetings and doesn't bother to do the homework in between. Seriously, the dialogue and decision-making at the meetings these days just seems like stream of consciousness. One reason they revisit issues over and over and over....
Sounds about right... and I completely agree.

Also so glad we discussed this for 4min, but dedicated what 3 hours to whether or not you can use electronic calls to hunt mountain lions essentially in the city limits of Glenwood. How many people hunt predators, of those how many hunt cats, of those how many use calls, of those how many are going to hunt that area? I wish the question had gotten asked, "so if we allow calls, how many cats will likely be killed with the use of this device?"

But sure Jerry, Steve, and Linda using electronic calls to lure out the porch kitties definitely should take precedence over every other Colorado wildlife issue.

-Pardon the digression.
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Now you just switched the “isn’t fair group”, now it’s fly shop guys, or I guess to your point retired boomers who can stand in line during the work week to get a tag.
Yeah, but it will never be fair to every group, that's impossible, point creep isn't fair, weighted points aren't fair, completely random draws aren't fair to the guy who hasn't drawn in 25 years, outfitter tags aren't fair to the guys who don't use outfitters, landowner tags aren't fair to dudes who live in the city. The only real certainty is people griping that some other guy got the good tag...
You don't seem to understand. License agents are hardwired into the system.

All they have to do is enter a CID, then a hunt code and print out the tag. There is no delay. The clerks at sporting goods stores, fly shops and Walmart will decimate the highly coveted tags. All while your browser is spinning.
I would like to see you can only get a tag through wildlife office for 1st hour or 24. Too many guys who are license agents. Make everyone burn out batteries on one or two phones just to get a cow elk tag like I did 4 years ago.
What about tags that don't become "available" until after the Weds draw but the season starts that Saturday? File 13? Wait until Weds again? The initial intent of the program was to make up for the $ lost when tags were returned and burned. Now it seems they certainly will be burning tags that could have been sold again just by the process itself.
I may be misunderstanding your question, but you can only return a tag up to 30 days before opening of season (this year with covid and fires being an exception). So there shouldn't be tags returned/reissued after the last Wednesday before opener.
I may be misunderstanding your question, but you can only return a tag up to 30 days before opening of season (this year with covid and fires being an exception). So there shouldn't be tags returned/
I may be misunderstanding your question, but you can only return a tag up to 30 days before opening of season (this year with covid and fires being an exception). So there shouldn't be tags returned/reissued after the last Wednesday before opener.
You are misunderstanding the whole process
I may be misunderstanding your question, but you can only return a tag up to 30 days before opening of season (this year with covid and fires being an exception). So there shouldn't be tags returned/reissued after the last Wednesday before opener.
wrong. you can return a tag anytime, must may not get your pref points back. Often, good/great tags hit the list day before or during a season.Either they were turned in pretty late or the tag had to make it through 5 rounds of being shopped to next guy in line which can take quote awhile. that is what dink is referencing.

Also when a tag is returned it generally takes AT LEAST a week or more to hit the list. Very slow process.

Gonna miss snapping up reissues a day or two before season to come home with critters like this. So many great hunts in last few years...A925BEC4-4ACE-447C-ABF4-5B9D2E47781C.jpeg.
Bringing this thread back....

"Starting at 11AM licenses will be added to Leftover List. No new hunt codes will be added to list after 1PM"

So... do we still think all codes will be posted at 11AM sharp or could this be a rolling process where codes are randomly posted 11-1 in a hybrid approach similar to last year?
