CO Re-Issue Day - virtual queue already active

Anyone wanna create an app that sends out notifications 30 seconds before the Colorodo Leftover Watch app? I’ll be your first subscriber! I’ve given myself carpal tunnel this week typing in all the codes that have suddenly surfaced. Still I haven’t succeeded in actually getting one of those tags into my cart. How are those things gone that fast? Or am I doing something wrong?🤨
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Anyone wanna create an app that sends out notifications 30 seconds before the Colorodo Leftover Watch app? I’ll be your first subscriber! I’ve given myself carpal tunnel this week typing in all the codes that have suddenly surfaced. Still I haven’t succeeded in actually getting one of those tags into my cart. How are those things gone that fast? Or am I doing something wrong?🤨
im thinking im pretty disappointed in the app so far this year.. not sure what the deal is
Yes it's amazing how fast they go. Another thing that frustrates me is the archery tags showing up today, 9 days after season has started. If they have to be turned in 30 days before season, there's no reason it should take that long to show up on the list.
Picking up re-issues is like hunting deer in 3rd season. The longer you can hold out, the better it gets.

It certainly benefits residents when tags are re-issued during the season or days before.
Picking up re-issues is like hunting deer in 3rd season. The longer you can hold out, the better it gets.
I like that.🤣🤣🤣 I think you’re right. There were three really good early high country buck tags available yesterday. Only three days of the season remain but, man, if you’re a resident with an open weekend.... what an awesome opportunity
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I like that.🤣🤣🤣 I think you’re right. There were three really good early high country buck tags available yesterday. Only three days of the season remain but, man, if you’re a resident with an open weekend.... what an awesome opportunity
Yes, my dad called me this morning telling me there was a 76 archery deer tag available. Great tag but I have to give 30 days notice for time off.
The leftover watch app seems to have become inactive, or at least much more random with its notices. Oh well, my only chance is probably to be sitting at my laptop when something pops up, so it doesn't do a lot to help me. And nothing helps if the tags I'm interested in aren't coming up.

The leftover watch app seems to have become inactive, or at least much more random with its notices.
I am watching a hunt code with many licenses available and am still getting a notification for it each day right after 6 PM (the time I originally entered it).
Picking up re-issues is like hunting deer in 3rd season. The longer you can hold out, the better it gets.

It certainly benefits residents when tags are re-issued during the season or days before.

Sort of like the Unit 1 muzzy tag that was available for about 0.5 seconds 20 min ago? ;) Someone is going to have a great long weekend!
As someone with a hunting obsession and research OCD I just thought I would pass along my observations with this reissue process . I'm curious to see if anyone has seen the same...
The reissue list actually adds returned hunt codes in intervals of 15 minutes. Yes the list updates on 5 minute intervals but tags are added on 15 minute intervals. I've also used several apps to see what the latency between the app and the list updating would be. Several are very fast at less than a second or two, some not so much. There is also a latency with the list as it refreshes 4 minutes to the second after the posted update time on the list. So my observation is that list is sitting on the parks and wildlife server for 4 minutes just waiting to update.... I'm sure no one is smart enough to pick up a tag in that 4 minute window....
As someone with a hunting obsession and research OCD I just thought I would pass along my observations with this reissue process . I'm curious to see if anyone has seen the same...
The reissue list actually adds returned hunt codes in intervals of 15 minutes. Yes the list updates on 5 minute intervals but tags are added on 15 minute intervals. I've also used several apps to see what the latency between the app and the list updating would be. Several are very fast at less than a second or two, some not so much. There is also a latency with the list as it refreshes 4 minutes to the second after the posted update time on the list. So my observation is that list is sitting on the parks and wildlife server for 4 minutes just waiting to update.... I'm sure no one is smart enough to pick up a tag in that 4 minute window....

As with many facets of the tag drawing/issuing systems, this is not designed or well-suited to handling small numbers of tags with high demand. It's fine if there are 100 leftover tags that sell out over a week or two, but not so good for the single DM011O4R that I just missed. I'm sure someone in the hunting space is smart enough to write a bot....

A short lived unit 10 muzzle loader tag popped up the other day. I’m holding out hope my lowly tag will make an appearance before 3rd season
As with many facets of the tag drawing/issuing systems, this is not designed or well-suited to handling small numbers of tags with high demand. It's fine if there are 100 leftover tags that sell out over a week or two, but not so good for the single DM011O4R that I just missed. I'm sure someone in the hunting space is smart enough to write a bot....


Fairness, which honestly is not top of F&G's priorities, would be there is a 24 delay from a tag being released and the random draw on that tag. Say 100 deer tags are due to be awarded tomorrow at 8am. Today at 8am the tag list is published. You have until 4am (20 hours) to go into F&G application app and put in your 1st Choice and maybe a 2nd and 3rd. You get a random number. The 100 tags are drawn at 8am then if any leftover can be a first click/first served landrush sh*tshow that is frustrating a lot of us. As for tags that are turned in, they should go up within 24 hours, 7 days a week, in the next batch that will be applied for by interested hunters. An alert goes out if you are signed up for texts or email notifications for that species that has tags.

But, I know some of you folks like a system that is blatantly going to favor those with the most time to hover around a keyboard. Some of us have a life down in the coal mine and some ankle-biters we are juggling. Leaving up arbitrary hurdles is selfish and is yet another reason hunter recruitment is such a hurdle.
I don't think CPW is going to come up with a system that makes everyone happy. Frankly, I don't know why they should. On any given day, you can snag a great tag without burning your preference points. The demand is always going to exceed the supply. If anything, I'd like to see some preference for Colorado residents. Residents only for the first few hours after tags are released or require tags to be purchased in person. Unfortunately, the realities of revenue limit that.

The system does benefit white collar workers but other than that it's perfectly fair. It's just frustrating and often fruitless.

I've found it beneficial to zero in on a handful of choices, rather than chase the best tag that pops up. Sometimes you luck out. I was persistent and picked up a Pronghorn tag that takes 10 points to draw at 100%. I imagine 7 other people were probably pretty thrilled too.
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As someone with a hunting obsession and research OCD I just thought I would pass along my observations with this reissue process . I'm curious to see if anyone has seen the same...

I've observed pretty much the same thing. There is definitely a window during which a tag is available and not yet shown on the list.

You mentioned the 4 minute delay, but it could be as long as 18 minutes. As you noted, the list is updated with new tags only every 15 minutes. Then there is the 4 minute window between when the list is generated and when it is published. I supposed its possible a server just has a wrong timestamp, but unlikely these days when everything is synced via the internet. I believe that means that a new tag could be added to the system just after the current 15 minute mark, added to the list 14 minutes later and then finally shown to the public after 18 minutes.

I'm not sure there would be any way to try to take advantage of that beyond brute force, however.
Tags can disappear from the list at any update, not just every 15 minutes, so I see no reason to assume that "the list" does not accurately reflect what is available at the timestamp. Four minutes after the timestamp is plenty of time for things to happen before us peasants have a chance at a tag. I still wonder about bots.

My bigger concern is that there is just not much coming up this week. Perhaps time to accept that I will not be going to Colorado this fall.

Fairness, which honestly is not top of F&G's priorities, would be there is a 24 delay from a tag being released and the random draw on that tag. Say 100 deer tags are due to be awarded tomorrow at 8am. Today at 8am the tag list is published. You have until 4am (20 hours) to go into F&G application app and put in your 1st Choice and maybe a 2nd and 3rd. You get a random number. The 100 tags are drawn at 8am then if any leftover can be a first click/first served landrush sh*tshow that is frustrating a lot of us. As for tags that are turned in, they should go up within 24 hours, 7 days a week, in the next batch that will be applied for by interested hunters. An alert goes out if you are signed up for texts or email notifications for that species that has tags.

But, I know some of you folks like a system that is blatantly going to favor those with the most time to hover around a keyboard. Some of us have a life down in the coal mine and some ankle-biters we are juggling. Leaving up arbitrary hurdles is selfish and is yet another reason hunter recruitment is such a hurdle.
:cry: Some people don't have time to hunt, didn't get in the points game early enough, can't afford to play the game etc etc.

Its a handful of tags, I'm all for improving a system, but people need to stop the bitching. At this point I'm like fine, no other state deals with this BS they just say you get what you get can't turn your tag back in, so what a ton of people don't actually hunt the tags they draw. Colorado tries to get tags into the hands of people who want to hunt and all they get is head aches and cranky emails.

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