CO non-typical

Cool bull. Insane that people would steal the meat.

Would be interesting to set up some type of glitter bomb or something like that YouTube guy did for people stealing packages off porches.
Neat bull! Congrats on the hunt and sweet rifle. Thieves suck, that's crazy. Hopefully karma catches up with them.
A while back we had cow quartered and hanging in shade near a trailhead. When we loaded her up to take her home we had found someone had removed the evidence of sex. I still shake my head that someone removed the game bag and then proceeded to remove the tits, no way it could have been an animal as the bags were tied and hung.
We had to assume someone had shot a spike which would be illegal and wanted to try and say it was cow - go figure.
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Congrats on the bull! Shaking my head about the meat, but thanks for sharing the lesson with us. I guess I'll make sure I always hang meat well out of sight...
Very nice ‘odd’ bull, it’s sucks about the thieves. I’ll be up very close to ‘there’ third season.
Congrats on the bull! Sorry to hear about the meat, I just cant believe how absolutely bad some people in the hunting community are, just real sad.
With the thievery and broken windows that happens with vehicles at trailheads and examples like this one, it makes me wonder if I shouldn't set up the stealthy game camera during my absence (where legal). Argh!
Congrats on an awesome bull, and sorry such an awful thing happened to you. I like to think the majority of other hunters aren't complete scum bags, but sometimes I wonder if I'm far off with that idea..
Your flagging was the signal to those scumbags that it was free pickens!! I hope every time they eat some of the meat they feel guilty as hell. Can't imagine what they would say to their family upon they're arrival back home. Sorry to hear of the loss!
With the thievery and broken windows that happens with vehicles at trailheads and examples like this one, it makes me wonder if I shouldn't set up the stealthy game camera during my absence (where legal). Argh!
New Mexico is one state I'd be very aware encounters with those people have been shameless. The game officer of one of the northern regions even told me that most of the local boys and (men ?) were lawless. My nephew's old truck was broken in to twice in two different years during archery seasons. Now he has NM plates and nothing has happen the last two years. I guess it's best to remove your tags at the TH.
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