Caribou Gear Tarp

CO leftover list is available

The leftover list was 10 pages this morning and 13 pages now. They certainly didn't sell them all immediately.

They feathered out the additions today instead of adding them all at once like last week. I'm not even sure they're done. Its almost like an automatic process failed and they had to do it by hand.

Edit: Seems like most tags were added around 11:45, so maybe feathering isn't totally accurate, though I started seeing new tags around 11:20.

Edit 2:Not sure if you knew the context Oak, but at the time I was responding to people saying they struck out, when I believe the tag they were trying for hadn't even been added yet at the time of their post.
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Yes, there was a slow roll on tags today. Similar to years before where they were populated randomly. My only concern is that if these tags were all processed before hand and on the reissue list, why did they stagger them this week/today? Was it because of customer complaints? Just felt like it.

i did get a antelope B rifle tag, so I am feeling good. I just don't understand the process and I guess we're back to random list for 2 hours on Wednesdays, starting at 11am?
I saw the list updated at 803. The tags that I wanted off the preview list were there but were not available when I tried to add them to my cart.

I don’t understand who is actually getting these tags. All three weeks have made no sense to me.
I saw the list updated at 803. The tags that I wanted off the preview list were there but were not available when I tried to add them to my cart.

I don’t understand who is actually getting these tags. All three weeks have made no sense to me.
By the time you saw them on the list they were likely gone. List updates at 803, usually posts a minute or two later. In those minute or two it was likely purchased. The list is not live. Have to have lighting fast fingers!
I got to a different screen with an "add to cart" button, but still got an error message that the tag wasn't available. Was I just too slow in clicking add to cart?
It didn't look to me like they added all of the tags that were on the preview list. Oh well...
I noticed the same thing. I had my eye on a couple tags and they never came up. I watched the entire 2 hrs and several tags never made it to the list.
I talked to CPW because I was gunning for 1 of 6 antelope tags. The lady I talked to said that they are all loaded at 11 and sometimes they take a few minutes to trickle in. Although the list only updates every five minutes. She said in that time the tags get purchased mostly by people on the inter webs clicking over and over again and never make it to the posted list. If you have noticed the list updates at x:x3 and x:x8 and then loads at x:10 and x:x5. That’s atleast three minutes of purchases after 11 am before the list gets updated. All highly sought after tags will be gone in seconds, not minutes. I tried this method and I was still beat out by people with faster internet connections or fingers I guess. Good luck to everyone next week.
I talked to CPW because I was gunning for 1 of 6 antelope tags. The lady I talked to said that they are all loaded at 11 and sometimes they take a few minutes to trickle in. Although the list only updates every five minutes. She said in that time the tags get purchased mostly by people on the inter webs clicking over and over again and never make it to the posted list. If you have noticed the list updates at x:x3 and x:x8 and then loads at x:10 and x:x5. That’s atleast three minutes of purchases after 11 am before the list gets updated. All highly sought after tags will be gone in seconds, not minutes. I tried this method and I was still beat out by people with faster internet connections or fingers I guess. Good luck to everyone next week.

Too bad you didn't get one, I'll be up there for antelope this year...only took me 9 points to draw :ROFLMAO: 🤦‍♂️
I talked to CPW because I was gunning for 1 of 6 antelope tags. The lady I talked to said that they are all loaded at 11 and sometimes they take a few minutes to trickle in. Although the list only updates every five minutes. She said in that time the tags get purchased mostly by people on the inter webs clicking over and over again and never make it to the posted list. If you have noticed the list updates at x:x3 and x:x8 and then loads at x:10 and x:x5. That’s atleast three minutes of purchases after 11 am before the list gets updated. All highly sought after tags will be gone in seconds, not minutes. I tried this method and I was still beat out by people with faster internet connections or fingers I guess. Good luck to everyone next week.
I clicked away like a madman from 10:58 until 11:30 - but some other keyboard jockey must have out clicked me. Maybe next week
Glad to be done with the game good on Colorado for giving a chance at them.
Too bad you didn't get one, I'll be up there for antelope this year...only took me 9 points to draw :ROFLMAO: 🤦‍♂️
I tried that tag for a while also :) Until the Captcha refresh started in with the 'click the palm trees that are half hidden by other trees' stuff after 10ish minutes (the Captcha token seems to expire every 60 seconds and you can just click back through the first 10 times or so).

It does make Wednesday mornings mildly entertaining.
I tried that tag for a while also :) Until the Captcha refresh started in with the 'click the palm trees that are half hidden by other trees' stuff after 10ish minutes (the Captcha token seems to expire every 60 seconds and you can just click back through the first 10 times or so).

It does make Wednesday mornings mildly entertaining.
That makes three of us that tried for that tag. I was on before 11 and trying like a madman at 11. Maybe only in person folks got it
The re-issue tag gods have been good to me the past 6 years. Was able to grab a good deer tag off the list the other day. I was a fan of the Tue-fri randomness. Kinda knew this year was gonna be tough with the 15 minutes they give for check out. Not many tags popping up and a very high demand for what little crumbs are being dropped.
So I must be doing something wrong. What are you guys clicking like a madman? I get to the point where you enter the hunt codes and then told they are not available. How are you clicking when hunt codes need to be entered?
I confirmed the tag today at 1109 into my cart, when moving to the cart it said no quota available! 🖕 That’s not supposed to happen anymore!

edited for correct verbiage, thanks @wannakillabigbull
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I got the tag today at 1109 into my cart, when confirming the cart it said no quota available! 🖕 That’s not supposed to happen anymore!
You've got that backwards. You confirmed the code, then when you tried to add it to the cart it was unavailable. That absolutely can happen. Someone added to cart faster than you did.
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