Caribou Gear

CO leftover list is available

I think this was my fifth attempt at getting a cow tag for this year, finally succeeded!

Now the question is whether I made a good call - I only really have 3.5 days for this first season tag, but I figure I'm more likely to succeed on a cow with 3.5 days than 9 days for an OTC bull.
These are returned tags I’m speaking of. So these were folks that drew them back in the initial draw in the spring. So they had plenty time for planning. I know good tags get turned in every year. It just seemed there were exponentially a lot of returned tags for 76 and I wondered if something was going on w the unit that I wasn’t aware of
gotcha, Thomas - sorry I misread it. No idea what the return-ers might have thought. No obvious fires or closures or anything like that down there this summer.

Was pretty wild to see the Early tag there, but assume the tagholder and/or their outfitter was scouting and didn't turn up a bull worth 19/24 points (R/NR this year) or there was some kind of medical issue. Since we don't have data, hard to say how many tags in that >5 point classification actually get taken by one of the next 5 in line. It also may take a while to get a hold of all 5 and I assume they give each one 12-24h to decide. Probably more than I would guess (I have never personally returned a tag so my lens might be warped, but I'm sure it's more frequent than I think it is).

I hope an HT'er got the cow moose tag in my in-laws home unit. If someone did - shoot me a PM and happy to share what we know. I tried for 15 minutes.
So who beat me adding that moose tag to the cart. I know of a few people that got to the add to cart window but we were all to slow on the cart add.
gotcha, Thomas - sorry I misread it. No idea what the return-ers might have thought. No obvious fires or closures or anything like that down there this summer.

Was pretty wild to see the Early tag there, but assume the tagholder and/or their outfitter was scouting and didn't turn up a bull worth 19/24 points (R/NR this year) or there was some kind of medical issue. Since we don't have data, hard to say how many tags in that >5 point classification actually get taken by one of the next 5 in line. It also may take a while to get a hold of all 5 and I assume they give each one 12-24h to decide. Probably more than I would guess (I have never personally returned a tag so my lens might be warped, but I'm sure it's more frequent than I think it is).

I hope an HT'er got the cow moose tag in my in-laws home unit. If someone did - shoot me a PM and happy to share what we know. I tried for 15 minutes.
There was also another very high point that had 9 tags. Kinda unbelievable that 9 tags made it there and no one wanted them on the call list idk
There was also another very high point that had 9 tags. Kinda unbelievable that 9 tags made it there and no one wanted them on the call list idk
Would you rather have a tag that takes 10 years to draw this year with no days to scout or would you rather have it next year with the full summer.

Also you still have a crack at it on the reissue list. Seems crazy anyone would ever accept a tag with COs system... outside of MSG

Refund/reissue system needs to go away.
Would you rather have a tag that takes 10 years to draw this year with no days to scout or would you rather have it next year with the full summer.

Also you still have a crack at it on the reissue list. Seems crazy anyone would ever accept a tag with COs system... outside of MSG

Refund/reissue system needs to go away.
Hey, hey, hey.

The reissue system doesn’t need to go away, (says the guy that picked up 3 reissued tags including a 10 point tag). But I fully think of you have an A tag in your possession, no matter how you got it, you should lose your points.
Would you rather have a tag that takes 10 years to draw this year with no days to scout or would you rather have it next year with the full summer.

Also you still have a crack at it on the reissue list. Seems crazy anyone would ever accept a tag with COs system... outside of MSG

Refund/reissue system needs to go away.
Your just bitter you didn’t get one yet!
Your just bitter you didn’t get one yet!
I didn't get one today.

Got a pronghorn one couple weeks ago, along with a pile of deer tags in past years.

The system promotes slop, people applying for hunts the won't go on, and it makes it doesn't take people out of the draw. In a super strict system people aren't as carefree about applying for hunts.
I didn't get one today.

Got a pronghorn one couple weeks ago, along with a pile of deer tags in past years.

The system promotes slop, people applying for hunts the won't go on, and it makes it doesn't take people out of the draw. In a super strict system people aren't as carefree about applying for hunts.
True, I don’t disagree. I am still just riding high on my success (luck) on the reissues this year.

Meet in the middle? You can return tags but automatically lose your points and 50 percent of tag fee. And still lose all points if you get an A tag…
True, I don’t disagree. I am still just riding high on my success (luck) on the reissues this year.

Meet in the middle? You can return tags but automatically lose your points and 50 percent of tag fee. And still lose all points if you get an A tag…
Full refund + points for the tag holder; 1. Death 2. Death of immediate, first order, family member 3. Military deployment.

Everyone else... life sucks sometimes. No reissue for those tags.
Those 20+ point elk tags were a surprise to see. A couple years ago when the fire was in that unit, there was like 15 or more that popped up one day for the same unit.

As far as the returned tag process goes. I think they’ve made it to easy to turn them back in. They should be like Wyoming and you can only return it in emergency situations. Not because there’s a drought, drew too many tags, just can’t make it, wife scheduled a birthday party during hunting season, the fish are biting etc etc.
Those 20+ point elk tags were a surprise to see. A couple years ago when the fire was in that unit, there was like 15 or more that popped up one day for the same unit.

As far as the returned tag process goes. I think they’ve made it to easy to turn them back in. They should be like Wyoming and you can only return it in emergency situations. Not because there’s a drought, drew too many tags, just can’t make it, wife scheduled a birthday party during hunting season, the fish are biting etc etc.
Last year I had a 3rd season Unit 18, 28, 37, 371 deer tag. CPW gave the option to turn it in due to the East Troublesome Fire, I did not because the area we typically hunt in 37 was not affected. I tried to get my nephew just a doe tag and called CPW and they were not allowing any of the tags turned in due to fire to go on the reissue list. I would imagine a couple hundred tags were returned.

I am actually kind of glad they didn't, it probably would have forced more people into a smaller area and been a nightmare.
Would you rather have a tag that takes 10 years to draw this year with no days to scout or would you rather have it next year with the full summer.
Give me the tag, I can scout with a rifle in my hand. More so need time to get my stuff lined up to walk out the door than figure it out.

A good friend of mine has picked up some amazing tags. Something like 140 points worth of deer/elk tags in the last few years including a cow moose tag. Some he only had a few days to hunt before the season ended, but still made it happen. You should keep tabs on the tags you might want to have, and then you don't need a year to plan it out.
Give me the tag, I can scout with a rifle in my hand. More so need time to get my stuff lined up to walk out the door than figure it out.

A good friend of mine has picked up some amazing tags. Something like 140 points worth of deer/elk tags in the last few years including a cow moose tag. Some he only had a few days to hunt before the season ended, but still made it happen. You should keep tabs on the tags you might want to have, and then you don't need a year to plan it out.
100% agree, which is why I am on the list every week and why a ton of people are but with regulations state that tags that require 5 pts or more are offered to the next person in line, the issue is that they lose there points and reissues don’t. Therefore they decide to spend points and have more time and thus ‘free’ 20pt tags abound. So far like 20 this year.
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