Clown Show - OYOA behind the scenes

I really enjoyed the clown-show. It is reality of hunting. Stuff happens that may not be great for the main show topic but it is reality. I like the way this was brought in with a second show capturing some of the difficulties we run into. Another level of entertainment and more content to watch and learn from. Real serious hunters are not afraid of seeing this type of content because we have lived it too. It gives younger hunters a example of what could reach out and ruin a hunt or potential safety issue.
Haha that video was awesome, would love to see more behind the scenes.

Of the hunts that went awful and the ones that went perfect.
Loved it. I still find it hard to believe, however, that someone who seems as kind and straight-laced as Jerry Pritchard found himself on the wrong end of the Mexican law.
We didn't even tell the part that two days after I got home I was in the ER getting a heart cath to remove a blood clot in an artery. Glad that didn't happen in Galena or I'd be in Boot Hill, or whatever the Galena version of that would be.

I am so surprised with these comments here and on the YouTube channel. The crew had been hounding me to do this for a year and I brushed it off that nobody want to hear me flap my soup coolers. They listen to my stories so many times, I would have thought my gab would be old and worn on them by now. I guess what it reveals is that I should just get the hell out of their way and let them run the show, telling me what to do, when to do it, and then let me go back to mumbling to myself.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please keep more like this coming!
Looks like a big old stack of new stuff over your right shoulder!!
Really enjoyed the story and hoping you’ll do more. Great content for the off season.
Randy- we watch the show to learn- how to plan and execute a hunt, conservation stories & history, etc. The TV version of this episode didn't have much for a learning element, but the shop story sure is hell does.

We want to see the struggles so that if we're ever dumb enough to try the same thing, we know what to watch out for. That, and there's a little bit of schadenfreude seeing somebody else suffer on a hunt. 😁

At the end of the day, we want it to be real. All the breakdowns, fire drills, clown shows, bleeped out profanity, etc. (which can be a learning experience in their own right, or at least get across the gravity of the situation).

Thanks for posting, and looking forward to the next.
I think people like watching something they can relate to. Sometimes I like to hear the bad parts more than I like to see the kill.

Planning a DIY hunt isn't all gummy bears and rainbows. Every hunting show on TV portrays that everything works out and boom the deer dies. lol It rarely happens that way.

Most people 98% would have never gotten that boat started
We didn't even tell the part that two days after I got home I was in the ER getting a heart cath to remove a blood clot in an artery. Glad that didn't happen in Galena or I'd be in Boot Hill, or whatever the Galena version of that would be.

I am so surprised with these comments here and on the YouTube channel. The crew had been hounding me to do this for a year and I brushed it off that nobody want to hear me flap my soup coolers. They listen to my stories so many times, I would have thought my gab would be old and worn on them by now. I guess what it reveals is that I should just get the hell out of their way and let them run the show, telling me what to do, when to do it, and then let me go back to mumbling to myself.

My wife enjoyed this episode more than any other, lol. It might have been the soap opera element with the camera guy lol. But she was engaged the whole time lol.

That being said, stop ignoring this other suggestion, which I am absolutely positive your crew has been demanding. It's not just me, I promise. Say it with me now, "Vintage Randy". That's right, old, crappy videos from the very beginning cut with you telling the story. Horrible audio, unrecognizable video, we don't care! Let's see all of it!
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