Caribou Gear Tarp

Classic Rock/Hair Band Music(for a newbie)

80s hair bands, rock, metal is about all I listen to. My wife is always making fun of me.

This Kiss song is good but the outfits and Paul Stanley's moves in this video are something to see.

My favorite Lillian Axe song.

Probably my favorite Queensryche song.

By the time teej gets done listening to this stuff, his ears are gonna bleed. Enjoy teej. mtmuley
teej, for a newbie in the classics this one might be too old. Many many years ago I was halibut fishing in the Gulf of Alaska, there was another boat that wasn't even very close by, playing this song LOUD. I think it was a charter boat, not sure if they were Deep Purple fans or if they were a captive audience to a deaf captain.