City people *sigh*


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
I share a small patch of woods with one of my's not very big, maybe the size of a 4-car garage. It's got a good patch of honeysuckle growing in one corner, and various other minor undergrowth that you would typically see in a small woodlot. Not a big nasty weedy mess, by any means; just natural growth. I had always pretty much ignored my half of it and let it do its own thing.

Well, I found my new neighbors neck deep in it, clearing out the underbrush and obviously attempting to make it look like a park. I'm not terribly worried about it because of its small size, but I WAS worried about the fact that they just decided to help themselves to my property. :mad: But, I wanted to be the good neighbor and tried to be civil.

So, I ambled over and asked them what's up. They told me they were clearing out the brush and making it "more accessible." I asked them what THAT meant (are we installing a wheelchair ramp?). They then proceeded to tell me all about how the "thick undergrowth" (i.e., the dinky honeysuckle patch) represented a "barrier to wildlife" and prevented them from using the "wooded space." Even rabbits, they said, couldn't get in because of the density of the brush. So, they were "cleaning out the trash" and opening up the "space" so that rabbits, deer, and other animals could "enter easily," thereby attracting more of them to the property. They suggested I should follow their lead and do this on the rest of my property, fencelines, etc. I asked to make sure I mean clear out all of the undergrowth, and leave nothing but grass and trees? Yes! That's the idea! :rolleyes: I'm not a biologist and I'm certainly no expert, but that smacked of Bambi to me. ;)

I asked if they'd ever heard of things like edge habitat or browse, and where they had gotten their information. They replied no, no, and something along the lines of "it just seems logical." |oo It became apparent that they little confused, so I went to the house and looked up the number of the local wildlife biologist. I gave it to them, told them to ring him and tell him their thoughts, and then asked them to stay on their own property from this point forward.

Wasn't that terribly diplomatic of me? :D I just don't understand where some of this stuff comes from. :confused:
Hmmmmm... Sounds like the "wooded space" is between your neighbor's EARS... :rolleyes: ...

Some folks just ain't got a CLUE... :confused: ....
Should have told them you wanted lit like that cause it was easier to hide dead bodies in.

Ha! Thanks for the soda spew Del!

dgib- Ya otta go down to the local gag shop if you have one and get one of those boney hands to stick out of the ground...then just tell the neighbors not to disturb ol' Aunt Bessy while they're doing their clean up work!
HAHAHA Del... Your a funny guy... :D

Darren, you are quite diplomatic... ;)

I would bet they have made common sense of this because there is no brush so to speak on any of the cartoons they have learned all of this on.. and if there is brush, it is well manicured because it is just easier to draw then a mess... :)
but that smacked of Bambi to me.

If by bambi you mean tree hugger, peta types, I beg to disagree. I expect they would be more inclined to let it grow natural - just like their armpits. :D

Sounds more to me like overdeveloped sense of suburbia to me. The only thing they are making it more accessible for is themselves.
just like their armpits
LMAO...that's funny. :D
I would have just told them to mind their own property.
Nah, schmalts, that's the old me. The new me wants to be a good neighbor and not be so temperamental about every little transgression into my personal space. is...well, you know. I'm trying. ;)
I can understand soemwhat where your neighbors are coming from, but then again they don't make sense. Deer, rabbits, and other animals find the easiest way through trees and things I really don't think that a few littel honeysuckle bushes are gonna bother the animals, infact wouldn't they eat them???????
Quick Draw
I think I woulda set the dog on them. Come on your property and cut your brush! That takes balls. Tell them they wanna do something nice they could cut your grass, and carry your trash.
So Darren, what would have the "old me" have done? Would you have gone Hatfield and McCoy on them? I think you handled things in a very diplomatic way. Can't say I would have been that nice.
BHR, in the past I've been known to get a little red-faced, point my finger, and tell people to get off my property. I don't consider myself to be all that impressive, but the last set of neighbors treated me like a ticking time bomb after that. So the wifey asked me to tone it down a little so that she could borrow a cup of sugar when she needed it. ;)

QD, that's just what is so ridiculous about it...honeysuckle is a preferred browse of deer in this area, and rabbits thrive in it. As for the fencelines, deer move through and/or jump over those like they're not even there. Then there's the various bird species that need brush and similar "edge habitat" for their nesting, bugging, etc. The beautiful Kentucky bluebird is one of those. If all that "nasty brush" were cut out, there'd be a lot of pretty park-like tree scenery and a whole lot less for the wildlife to utilize.

There I go...getting redfaced again. Stupid neighbors. :D

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