So my duck shooting, pheasant chasing, archery hunting grandson has a few days off school for Christmas vacation and decides he wants to trap beaver since the weather has warmed up and he has no deer tags left for muzzleloader season. I had a few leg hold traps but off we go to the local gun store and purchase a couple conibear 330s. We knew of quite a few places where beavers had dammed up creeks on the game lands but opted for a private property land because we knew the landowner wanted rid of those pesky critters. I really didn’t have any beaver castor or lures of the sort so we just made a couple fake runway sets and left wondering what today would bring. Wouldn’t you know it, during the night, the stupidest beaver in the colony tried to swim through one of his 330s. Ole Jeremiah Johnson couldn’t have been happier with his first beaver than my grandson. Who knows what this hide will turn into. Maybe a beaver tail wallet or some mittens. I’m certain he’ll have major plans for it because our fur prices are ultra low and from what I understand beavers are not in demand anyhow. The adventures continues, at least until school starts back up. Lol