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Choose Your Weapon law

I too oppose CYW because as a retiree now, I can hunt for months. But that's personal.

Generally, I agree with an earlier post that pointed out the tendency to further shorten hunting periods and impose further restrictions once the program starts. My general impression of the CYW program in other states is that it also means "choose your two weeks" or other short hunting season, due to the sorting out of various weapons' short seasons.

Overall, it's the old adage of "Don't fix it if it aint broke!" 'Haven't heard of an old Montanan who thinks it's broke.
I'd imagine the only folks really pushing this have an interest in increasing the odds of certain limited entry hunts. It does not appear to be resource driven.
I can tell you that it straight up SUCKS! In Montana it might have a more positive affect with thinning out hunter numbers during archery or rifle season, but here in the OTC tag capitol of the elk hunting states it horrible. Not only is our seasons incredibly short, but EXTREMELY crowded and unfortunately with Montana charging more and New Mexico further limiting Nonresidents, the crowding can/will only get worse.

You Montanans are spoiled, but dont change a thing because it gives me one heck of an incentive to move up there!!!!

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