Kenetrek Boots

Check In Stations


New member
Sep 24, 2016
Mtn. Home, ID
Where are these things? I can't seem to find them online. I have only seen one last year driving on a dirt road and it was closed. At least I think it was a check in station. Looked like a very small cabin. I don't want to drive by one and get in trouble for not stopping even though I was unsuccessful on that days trip. Are they usually up in the mountains, or are they positioned along the interstate as well?

Thank you.
They will have lots of orange cones and orange flags, signs letting you know. You won't miss it.

There are some that are there annually, and you know where they are (the close one to you is the High Bridge over Moore's Creek on HWY 21 at Lucky Peak).

They will also put "pop up" ones in sneaky locations just to keep people guessing.

There are logical bottlenecks that they can monitor to get the maximum amount of visitors to stop.
I think you will also find them more when deer season opens. Here in the southeast corner of Idaho, the only check station we have opens when the deer season opens up
Has been awhile since we have come upon one. The last one we hit several years, we pulled over with our license/tags etc and were told they were just doing a grouse study and asked which kinds and how many encountered.
Thanks everyone. For some reason I was thinking those truck weigh in stations was a place hunters had to pull in to. Looks like I was way off lol! I appreciate the help, and will surely look for them so I don't pass them by.

In Kansas on the Pheasant/quail season opener there is a check station about a hour west of Wichita. The highway patrol troopers check for registration/proof of insurance and ask if you've done any hunting. Hunters get funneled over for a conversation about licenses, and cooler check for proper transport.

I once witnessed a dude in hot water over a black bear from Colorado that wasn't tagged, and pheasants that didn't have proof of gender preserved.

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