Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Chasing Elk - Opinions Sought


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2018
I'm a Canadian (Ontario) high school teacher planning to head to the western archery elk woods in Fall 2027. Why 2027? I'll be taking a semester off from work (only way long hunting trips are viable) so conceivably have the entire month of September to hunt. I'll be driving my F-150 out so will have 4x4 "wheels" the entire time. There's a possibility that a friend may join me to tag along for part of the hunt too.

I haven't hunted elk before, but have hunted deer, moose, and mountain goat in some very remote locations and have done a tonne of remote wilderness travel in BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories, etc. Fitness and backcountry skills will not be an issue.

I've been applying to several states to build points for retirement (2033 onward) hunting trips. This leave of absence from work gives me a window to put some of these points to use sooner.

For the 2027 draw year I will have 6 points in Colorado, 6 points in Arizona, 6 points in Montana, and 7 points in Wyoming.

My goals for the trip are:

1) Spend a lot of time in the backcountry - I have the entire month of September if necessary.
2) See/hear plenty of elk
3) Have a reasonable chance to harvest a representative mature bull. I have no specific trophy expectations.

I'm not looking for "hot spots", units to apply, or any top secret info. Just perspectives about what folks who have actually been there would do in my shoes. At this point I'm thinking using my Colorado points would be the preferred option - but would welcome any/all perspectives. If you'd rather share by PM, feel free.

I'll be narrowing my focus with specific unit research, etc. through the likes of GoHunt from 2026 on - but just want to canvas for more general opinions in this early stage of planning.