Charging sow

Yep. Spandex leaves little to the imagination. Too much information. What I don't get is why the gals get so upset about us making sexist remarks when they wear clothes like that. Isn't the intention to peak some male hormone arousal response? So why get upset when we verbalize it? How many guys do you see running around with leotards on showing off their manliness bulges? Instead they're wearing skinny high-water jeans with pixie pointed shoes. What could be any more sexually unarrousable than that? At least we can say we're taking the moral high ground when it comes to attire.

You should see my short shorts. 🤷‍♂️
ya'll are ruthless lol. Regardless, what a freakin idiot. Last time we were down there we saw a sow with cubs bout 400 yards out into a field and my wife wouldn't even roll the window down lol.
Post number 9 in yesterdays music thread.

If you listen to it all the way through, those 4th graders get to "pictures of grizzles', plus moose, buffalo and porcupine's in their song.

Randy ask me not to start any conversations about politics, religion, or Disco music. He didn't specially mention the human body, but since he deleted a thread featuring a male, or part of one anyway, I think I will pass, on passing judgement on how others look, ----- male or female.

Unless, of course, it is describing something that is, or was, easy on the eyes, like a young Paul , Steve, or Elvis and to be fair to my male counterparts, Bridget, Marilyn, or Rachael ;)
In all fairness to the Grizz, She does look exactly like a black bear standing there. Or rather a LOT of black bear.