Caribou Gear

Chamber Empty or Loaded

What about my response offended you? I will delete or edit as you request (can even PM me if you don’t want to discuss in front of your online friends), certainly don’t want your feelings hurt because of something I said.
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On big game, I never walk with the chamber loaded. I rarely load until I'm ready to shoot, even if sitting. I won't take a shot at a running animal so I don't have to worry about it. I'm an archery hunter to the core, so if I need to jump-shoot I will hunt birds.
Important life lessons never are understated. Safety is something enhanced by redundancy ... over and over and over again. But then this is from a retired helicopter maintenance test pilot who was constantly at the ready for the next thing to go wrong ... that was absolutely certain ... and typically occurred during spells of complacency, flying fat, dumb, and happy.

After learning of Remington rifle safety problems, I had my Remington 700 BDL safety mechanism replaced so the bolt can open on SAFE. Until ready to fire, no round in chamber and safety ON. With no round in the chamber there have been times hiking through the brush, trees, or snow when it was discovered that something brushed the safety and moved it OFF.
Another inadvertent pull of the trigger by a finger or an object brushed against could easily cause an unexpected and undesired discharge.
I had a Remington 600 .243 that would discharge sometimes when the safety was flipped off and all 600’s where recalled !
as a guy who was had his truck shot a couple of times by nimrods riding in it, I like unloaded or loaded with bolt up or open , or hammer up
nothing is harder on the ears then having a deer rifle discharge inside a truck with window up , or trying to get home with a bell housing with a hole in it :confused:
If you are serious I would honestly find new hunting buddys. After a few thousand days in the field I have only ever seen one accidental discharge and that was a 12 year old letting the hammer down on a Winchester 30-30 model 94 after they shot and missed at a deer. Thank god the muzzle was pointed in a safe direction.
That’s what most people seem to say, but why? It’s way more dangerous than carrying a long gun with one in the chamber IMO.
Most folks that carry a handgun do so in a holster. Factory trigger pulls are what 7-8lbs on a hand gun versus, what 2.5-4 on a lot of bolt guns.

Handguns are mostly backup, so folks aren't walking around with them drawn where they could drop or snag them.

Also I trust the internal safeties on say a Springfield XD way more than the safety on a Remington 700.

I don't love the lack of muzzle control with holstered handguns but I'm definitely not as wary as I am with someone with a bolt gun.
I get what you’re saying about the trigger pull for sure- that being said, I am more spooked by someone with a loaded handgun than I am with someone with a loaded long gun.

I’m too lazy to look up statistics, but I would assume there are quite a few more accidental discharges with handguns than long guns. The term “Glock leg” came from somewhere.
Fully loaded. I'm not playing "range boss" in the field....I'm there to kill something. If I didn't have a round loaded in my gun ready to go I would have missed a LOT of opportunities over the years.
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Legit question. How do I explain to my kid that it is okay to chukar/pheasant hunt with one in the chamber, but not big game hunt with one in the chamber. I'm more scared of a shotgun accident than a rifle accident.
I have a friend who walks with his O/U broken open with two in the chute. I haven't hunted with him in years, but he always bagged more birds than me and my chambered Rem 870.
In all my life I've never seen one round of ammunition go offing the box, and I've never known of a firing pin to fall on its own.

This thread is rapidly developing into a bunch of dudes fighting over who is the saferest hunty hunter.
Wow, I smell a lot of contempt from some of you who don't carry chambered.
Not at all from me. Do as you wish. More surprised by some folks answers than anything. Still have yet to hear a compelling reason to carry a rifle with one in the chamber.
Usually have a round in the chamber once I am in the field. All my rifles are mausers with 3 position safeties that hold the cocking piece and firing pin in place.

Anywhere near vehicles, people, or climbing into a stand, I remove the round from the chamber

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