Centerfire rifles - your path

.30-30 model 94
.30-06 Springfield ‘03A3 Sporterized
7 RM Ruger M77
.223 AR-15
.308 Savage M10
.45-70 Henry
.303 Savage M99
.30-06 Winchester M1885
.30-06 Winchester M70
.357 Henry
7 RM Savage 116
.300 PRC Christensen Ridgeline
.300 RUM Rem 700
6.5 PRC Tikka T3x
.223 Tikka T3x
6.5x55 Swede Ruger #1

And that’s the ones I have hunted/will hunt with. There’s some others that are just for kicks.

Next up will be a 6.8 O’Connor and a .22 Creedmore for coyotes.