CD? What's a CD?

I shut the satellite radio off in my car because I don't spend much time driving now. I play some CDs when I'm bored with the local FM stations. Nothing very new and a bunch that I burned myself back in the day.
Yep, with that super secret unlocker gizmo...same with the video rentals.
Kids were whining about what movie we didn't have on the smart TV the other day. Broke out the back in my day we had to drive to the video store 15 miles away in a snowstorm speech. Dating myself.

Simpler times I could definitely go back to.
Simpler times I could definitely go back to.

I really wish video stores didn’t go away, that was always a fun thing to do as a kid. Just go in and walk the isles looking for a cover that looked good. Our kids enjoyed it too.

The last time I was in a video store, some old lady drove by my wife and I in a mini van and flipped us the bird. Zero events led up to it, it was super weird and really funny.
I really wish video stores didn’t go away, that was always a fun thing to do as a kid. Just go in and walk the isles looking for a cover that looked good. Our kids enjoyed it too.
Yah it was. I can remember new releases being like 20 some on the shelf trying to find one available before everyone else got it. You could damn near make a whole weekend out of it as a kid. Got to grab some popcorn and maybe candy if you were lucky.
I've always rolled with CDs playing.

I bought my first new car during COVID in early spring 2020. No one was buying, prices were way down and interest rate was 0%.

The salesman looked at me funny when I asked where the CD player was.
I really wish video stores didn’t go away, that was always a fun thing to do as a kid. Just go in and walk the isles looking for a cover that looked good. Our kids enjoyed it too.

The last time I was in a video store, some old lady drove by my wife and I in a mini van and flipped us the bird. Zero events led up to it, it was super weird and really funny.
We have an old school one in town. Still go with the kids. We have a DVD player at home with a TV, but no TV stations.

Definitely miss going as a kid on a Friday night.
As much as I hate opening new ones, I still like to get the CD when I buy music. Most I buy you either get a CD, maybe you can download load, but not both so I rip mp3s.

Last CD you bought? Downloads count too I guess. Oliver Anthony was last here.

2017, Mumford and Sons, Babel, at a Starbucks on the way to an elk hunt in 2016, it's been in the CD player in my truck ever since.
Oh?! You're talking about music. Music comes on big vinal disks that you have to wipe the dust of before playing. Never caught on to that newfangled CD thing. Didn't figure it would las long enough to invest in a CD player. I guess I was right.
Fist CD I ever got was in 4th grade and it was was Hanson. MMMbop was a big deal in the late 90s.

I do Spotify Premium now. I'm not sure I've ever bought another CD. My parents got me the Space Jam soundtrack when I was in 5th grade, that might be the last one I've owned.
Don't think I've bought a new CD since, you know, Napster.

Napster and MySpace...those were.the good old days.
I can remember my first CD purchase (ZZ Top Greatest Hits, somewhere in the early 90's, still have it) but I can't remember the last one I bought. I must have bought the whole CD for just one song and got tired of it...
Had two Harley zippered Disc sleeve thingies that held about 20 each. Allman Bros, Bonamassa, Paul Carrack, Doobies, CSNY, the effin' Eagles, Yoakam, Merle...many other good ones.

My last three baggers had primo saddle bag lid speakers & fairing tweeters...miss the garage, cheap motel parking lots, and rest stop concerts those bikes created. Still have beaucoup CD's

Good times.
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Oh?! You're talking about music. Music comes on big vinal disks that you have to wipe the dust of before playing. Never caught on to that newfangled CD thing. Didn't figure it would las long enough to invest in a CD player. I guess I was right.
Over the past decade, vinyl records have made a major comeback. People purchased US$1.2 billion of records in 2022, a 20% jump from the previous year.

Not only did sales rise, but they also surpassed CD sales for the first time since 1988, according to a new report from the Recording Industry Association of America.

Who saw that coming?

I certainly didn’t. In the mid-1990s, I sold off my family’s very large collection of records over my wife’s protests. I convinced her we needed the space, even if the buyer was picking up the whole stash for a song.
Over the past decade, vinyl records have made a major comeback. People purchased US$1.2 billion of records in 2022, a 20% jump from the previous year.

Not only did sales rise, but they also surpassed CD sales for the first time since 1988, according to a new report from the Recording Industry Association of America.

Who saw that coming?

I certainly didn’t. In the mid-1990s, I sold off my family’s very large collection of records over my wife’s protests. I convinced her we needed the space, even if the buyer was picking up the whole stash for a song.
Did the same thing with a killer collection of big vinyls. Do regret.
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