Yeti GOBOX Collection

Caught Again


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
05/02/01 Harold C. Allbright of Wheatland lost his hunting privileges for nearly 10 years and was fined five thousand dollars in 1997 when he illegally killed deer, but he recently found himself in trouble again, this time for shooting a rough legged hawk. He was sentenced to 28 days in jail for that offense, and his hunting privileges were suspended for an additional 3 years. Allbright was also fined 530 dollars in fines, restitution and court costs. An anonymous tipster reported the incident to the Game and Fish. Game Warden Todd Graham says he hopes the incident and the severity of the punishment will discourage anyone who’s tempted to commit a wildlife violation. Anyone who witnesses such a crime should contact their local game and fish office. (307) 777-4600.
This guy obviously could care less about game laws. Next time...cut off his trigger finger! That'll learn 'em!