Caught a pole and reel today


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2020
Went out to a local reservoir today and caught a st.croix bass x rod with a shimano baitcaster. The combo has algae on it and been in the water for a while any suggestions on how to clean it up without ruining it? I took it home and rinsed it off. It casts great and reels fine. Just not sure what all I should do to it
Good score!!!
Will dish soap and a warm rag clean up the rod?? We've brought in a few over the years, some salvagable some way too far gone. Internals on the reel could likely use some light oil or fluid film.
I had a rod in a rod sleeve that flew out while I was on plane one time. Wasn't to thrilled about it. Tried to find it on the bottom and snag it to no avail.
Nothing like watching about $350 sink to the bottom of the river...