A lot of us have individual “getting ready”/scouting/specific gear question threads but how about a catch all thread for packing insanity, grocery carts full of chicken in a biscuit/easy cheese, and some of those “oh shit” or “hell yeah” moments before imminent departure…
I’ll go:
First excitement -

My oh shit moment was last night when I couldn’t find my tag. Used it as my fishing license Sunday to fly fish with my uncle and it was not in the pack that I had used or in my pile of unpacking from the weekend. Thought I’d have to drive to CPW in Denver this morning for a replacement but ended up finding it in the trash. Whoops!
I’ll go:
First excitement -

My oh shit moment was last night when I couldn’t find my tag. Used it as my fishing license Sunday to fly fish with my uncle and it was not in the pack that I had used or in my pile of unpacking from the weekend. Thought I’d have to drive to CPW in Denver this morning for a replacement but ended up finding it in the trash. Whoops!