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Casting Call: those truly living the Mountain Men life-"Modern Day Jeremiah Johnsons"


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Casting Call: those truly living the Mountain Men life-"Modern Day Jeremiah Johnsons"

**Posted w/ permission from BigFin**

The same production company that produces "On Your Own Adventures" is casting for a television series for a major cable network. We're looking for real-life, modern day mountain men or a family of mountain men/women, or a "Band of Brothers" who live the mountain man life.

These characters need to be larger-than-life type of characters, with big personalities. Family dynamics are always great. We're looking for those who live in remote areas and live off the land. They may hunt, fish and trap to provide food for themselves and family. They may travel into town once a month, if that, to get supplies. These are characters who are the modern day Jeremiah Johnsons, the real-life Bear Grylls, who have expert knowledge of the mountains and wilds. These are the folks authorities go to when major problems happen. They live a life of adventure, mixed with some danger, but their tougher than nails.

These are characters who are mostly known by their crazy nicknames and myths/legends/rumors come up about them around the nearest town. It's a mix of young and old characters we're looking for.

This isn't farming or cattle raising. We're looking for the real deal subculture of mountain men life for the next big reality series.

If this fits you, your family, or someone you know, please email us at [email protected] and tell us about it and include your contact information.
Did you say you're looking for men mounting men/women ? Try looking in California ;)

Sounds like a Good show. If B-Cat was still doing the Ranching thing he'd be the best person I could think of. He's larger then life personality mixed in with a little drama. I miss that dude !!