Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Cartridge choices for Mauser action build..

If you want to spend the money and can find a smith with experience reworking feed lips and followers on Mausers for AI cartridges, I’d go with the AI. The AI will pretty much equal the 280Rem. The 7x57 is slightly more powerful than a 7mm-08, especially with longer/heavier bullets that eat capacity in a 7mm-08, and does offer some other minor advantages, particularly in a Mauser action.

You could do the work yourself, but because those actions are no longer laying around all over the place being practically given away, it would kinda suck to ruin it in the learning process.
Other than lathe work, i do everything myself.
I've already done the feeding issues on a commercial Mauser going from 270 Win to 284 Win. Doesn't scare me.
Plus i have a welder, if things go too far. Lol

I'm planning on turning the stock "removable" floor plate, into a hinged floorplate.
Also need to modify mag follower from the military lock open on last round. Ramp the back of it.
Other than lathe work, i do everything myself.
I've already done the feeding issues on a commercial Mauser going from 270 Win to 284 Win. Doesn't scare me.
Plus i have a welder, if things go too far. Lol

I'm planning on turning the stock "removable" floor plate, into a hinged floorplate.
Also need to modify mag follower from the military lock open on last round. Ramp the back of it.

Same process, just a little less material removal. I’d go straight to the AI then unless you just want it to be Mausery. My dad’s 7x57AI was an absolute hammer. I have a 6.5-257AI that was supposed to be on a Mauser action, but time was running short so I put it on a 700 L/A instead. The cartridge is pretty awesome though.
serious question, not meant to be argumentative at all

I remember seeing a chart once about which calibers actually gained from being A.I.,d and which ones did not, but dont remember which ones they were talking about.

two questions

1. what could one hunt with a 7 x 57 A.I that you could not hunt with a 7 x 57---or --is it done simply so one can shoot at further distances ?

2. If you wanted a bit more than a 7 x 57 with give you and you want that extra distance and power, why not just go up one caliber--or ( and this is a very simplistic example ) if a 257 Roberts is not enough, maybe get a 257 Weatherby--if the "257" is your desire


and my response to your initial question is-----7 x 57
this post does not address your questions, but there will be some very intelligent gentlemen along soon who will give you a good explanation

But, my response is---boys will be boys, and I for one am o.k. with that.

I do know that my son loves his 280 ackley improved.
serious question, not meant to be argumentative at all

I remember seeing a chart once about which calibers actually gained from being A.I.,d and which ones did not, but dont remember which ones they were talking about.

two questions

1. what could one hunt with a 7 x 57 A.I that you could not hunt with a 7 x 57---or --is it done simply so one can shoot at further distances ?

2. If you wanted a bit more than a 7 x 57 with give you and you want that extra distance and power, why not just go up one caliber--or ( and this is a very simplistic example ) if a 257 Roberts is not enough, maybe get a 257 Weatherby--if the "257" is your desire


and my response to your initial question is-----7 x 57

1.) The same things. It gives you a little better long range ballistics, and about 15-20% more speed. For folks who shoot copper, that translates into better terminal performance as well.

2.) You could do that. Most A.I.'s were developed when many of these other cartridges weren't in play, or because wildcatting has a devoted following since humans like to tinker with stuff and see what they can do to make something better. It's not really a question of better or worse, but moreso a question of "what if?"

Nothing wrong with the standard 7x57 at all.
The Mauser based cartridges gain substantial capacity when going to an AI due to having quite a bit of body taper and shallow shoulder angles. The 6mmRem is already approaching the point at which increasing powder capacity in the .243 bore does little to nothing, but all of the larger bored Mauser cartridges fair very well. The .257AI and 6.5-257AI will pretty much equal any non-magnum of the same bore diameter and come fairly close to the magnums.(my current load in 6.5-257AI is doing 3175fps with 140gr Bergers. I’ve hit 3300 but it shot poorly and was hard on brass). The 7x57 on up get equal improvement from improving, but lag enough behind the really big cartridges that they don’t catch up.

1) Why shoot a .280 Rem when you could shoot a 7mm-08 or 7mm BR? The standard 7x57 is VERY close to a 7mm-08 in performance. The 7x57AI will do anything a .280Rem will do.

2) The length of the military Mauser actions was designed to work with 55-57mm cartridges. Going down to 51mm for use with .308 length cartridges works fine for some and gives difficulty for others, but the fix is simpler and cheaper than when trying to go longer, which can also be done. The closer to a Mauser cartridge you stay, easier it is to make it work the way it was designed to, which is something special.

Personally like the lock open after the last shot, as well as those two stage triggers.
The barrel/trigger/stock and some other work i do myself. Friend has ability to square up the receiver face, and such with his lathe.
In my stable already are.
250 Savage
257 Roberts
(2) 280 Rem
284 Win
7mm Rem Mag

Looking to build this as a hunting rifle.
Not too terribly opposed to same caliber as i already have, but would like different if i could.

7X57AI, eh??? Hmmmm.
You don't have a .30. mtmuley
Its all in what you want to do with it. I have one in 7mm mag and love it. I did not buld mine i found it on a used rack for 300.00. I would look at what i have compared to all that i want and the use of it and go from there. I am thinking 375hh
i built 35 or 40 in 376 steyr, or the steyr case necked to different calibers, the steyr case feeds slick, 7mm /376 steyr was fast but inside neck reaming was a pain, 8mm/376 steyr with 200gr bullet was potent,
Most of the "Improved" cartridges were done at a time where time was cheap, and products were expensive. Meaning it was cheaper to pay a smith for his time, to do an improved cartridge than it was to swap barrels.
Also of note was a lack of different powders.
Obviously the nice thing about improvements from P. O. Ackley are that you can fire factory ammo also. Not true of some.

The ones P.O. Ackley tested, the 250 Savage and 257 Roberts gave him best performance upgrade.
Well after some research and measuring it appears that the "German" Mauser i bought is actually a large ring Spanish Mauser.
It is supposedly in 8X57 Mauser.
Stock was hacked, so that's getting replaced.
While i'm at it may as well go ahead with a barrel swap.
But what cartridge?
I already have a 284 Win Mauser, but it weighs 10 lbs, so 284 Win not out of the question.

284 Win
7X57 Mauser
25 Souper

Those are my top 4 choices.

Pretty tough to beat the 7x57 in my opinion. The .284 would have my interest though.
The barrel/trigger/stock and some other work i do myself. Friend has ability to square up the receiver face, and such with his lathe.
In my stable already are.
250 Savage
257 Roberts
(2) 280 Rem
284 Win
7mm Rem Mag

Looking to build this as a hunting rifle.
Not too terribly opposed to same caliber as i already have, but would like different if i could.

7X57AI, eh??? Hmmmm.

I change my mind based on what you have on hand. Another 7mm won't get you anything you don't have ,2-3x already. Why not a better barreled 8x57, .35 Whelen, or .30-06 for something to shoot some heavies.
Heck, very seldom do i shoot heavier than 150gr out of my Rem Mag.
At reasonable distances (400ish yards) on game i haven't needed heavier.
Dakota 3 position safety, Timney trigger ordered.
Next is either the barrel or stock.
Thinking barrel.
Receiver squared, reloading boss ground down, bolt lug raceways polished, bolt face squared.
Time for some bluing...