Caribou drop camp

Preacher shaner

Active member
Jan 17, 2019
I am starting to plane my frist caribou hunt. I am looking at getting dropped of by a air boat. Only one I have found is (Double Shovel) has any one used them or know of any one else. Thanks
I've read a bit about Dead Horse outfitters. Never used them just researching I have done some reading. Mixed reviews but everyone dose. Give it a search maybe it's something you'd be interested in. Good Luck.
Courious as to the cost structure of an airboat drop camp. I know that insurance for transporters /air taxi doubled last year significantly increasing costs.
Good luck on your hunt.
I've read a bit about Dead Horse outfitters. Never used them just researching I have done some reading. Mixed reviews but everyone dose. Give it a search maybe it's something you'd be interested in. Good Luck.
My cousin went up there with them this year. Saw like 3 caribou and never caught a fish. Sounds like he was too early in the year.
I went this past Aug/ Sep was dropped off way up the Echooka River which connects with the Ivishak which connects with the Sag.
Late Aug into early Sep.
Hunter camps every mile on both sides of the rivers.
The rivers run east to west. The caribou migrate north to south.
It’s all about timing and luck. Can’t hike upstream or downstream because you’ll run into other camps. If the caribou are coming then there’s no need to go looking for them , they’ll come to you. If they’re not coming, well there’s nothing you can do about it.
Feast or Famine

I go as often as I can, never used a jet boat though. We fly in then hunt. I go back the end of this August. The county I been hunting we take super cubs in.
That area is a total cluster F. And the transporters know they are selling you a POS hunt.

There are big things coming for bou hunting in the near future and NR will be getting axed first. Go while you can and don't do it on the cheap because it will be your one and only hunt.

Caribou numbers are crashing worldwide, we won't have a hunt for much longer, IMO. Populations in AK are down 50% from 20 years ago and none are recovering.
I agree and also believe in the future caribou may just be a thing of the past for most. Luckily I got to experience a great hunt in 2013. I'd love to experience another but just don't see it happening. I'd look for a fly out operation in Happy Valley if that's still an option. Well worth the money we did the whole trip for a little over 3k in 2013. That has changed in a big way.
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