Caribou Gear Tarp

Car shows can be wonderful!

car shows are fun, sometimes I miss the industry...I'd think the cobra would draw talent even without a car show...

Nice pic. Maybe I missed something over the past few months, but whatever came about your accident? Is that your cobra?
know how i know your gay? that any of you see a car in that photo
I see your still enjoying life Dan...

Looks like your the only one actually allowed to sit on the car... :p

Nice bunch of hotties you found... :)
The black car was totaled. Never heard a word from the ladies insurance except to say to talk with my insurance company about money. Her insurance paid my deductable but that's it. When my insurance tried to take her to court, no one could find her. I suspect she's beat feet back to the PI where she came from. It's a sad story, but I'm making due best I can. These ladies are just trying to console me.. and doing a smart job of it. Don't ya'll agree? Amber (from Richmond) and Rachel (far left) were especially helpful. Amber got my heart started when I asked how old she was and she said 19(she's really 28). Rachel kept my heart going with lots of liquid support. Now if I could just convince a couple of them to wax the car, I'd be in hog heaven.. Wax on.. Wax off.. Good for the chest muscles..
