
Captain Hook lives on!!!!!


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
I'm not sure if everyone remembers the buck I found 2 years ago a dubbed Captain hook.

We'll I thought he had been shot since I never saw him last year but when my son and I went out on Sunday I found him. The weird thing is he seems a bit smaller then he was two years ago. All I can think of is in 2005 we had a very wet spring and this year is drier then hell out there.

Anyway I headed for a nearby water hole on opening day. I get setup well before light and about 7:30 here strolls in a doe. I'm thinking things are good because I have only seen one heard of antelope in this area for the last 3 years. She drinks and leaves. Notice her sticking her tongue at me.

About 15 minutes later 3 more does come in. Now I'm pumped because as I sit there I just had a feeling he was coming.


The 3 does leave and about 15 minutes later I catch movement on the hill again. 3 does and then......

Now I'm getting pumped I take a few pics and get ready for the shot. It takes him about 5 minutes to get to the water. I look out and see him at 10 yards running into the water hole. I draw and wait for him to start to drink. He walks up to within 1 yard of the water and bolts. I'm thinking what the hell. I letup and wait he's walking away now at 50 yards. I decide to snap some pics of him.

He walks around rubbing his horns and then starts back to the water. He gets about 40 yards away and stops and looks at the water.

This goes on for 25 minutes while I'm sitting there wondering if he is ever going to come in. I snap a few more pics. This buck is so skittish the does had no problem ran in and drank with no problem.


He finally makes a big loop and walks right becide my blind at 10 yards. He continues to the water and stops about a yard away from drinking. I think this is my chance I had already come to full draw. Lean over to clear the window and shoot. ***ZIP*** Skips of his back and he runs off and begins to laugh at me. I freaking can't believe it. I waited this long and blow my opportunity. He runs off and stops at 60 yards and starts warning bark at whatever just scared the crap out of him. I think about taking a shot but I pass. He walks up and over the hill. I follow them to see if he is gone but he goes over the hill with his does and starts eating and bedding down for the day. I'm thinking he has no clue what happened so I sit the rest of the day in the hot box 14 hours total and pout about what just happened.

I had plenty of time to think about what happened. All I know is that I should of shot him for 20 yards I guessed him for 25 and he also ducked the string. Rushing the shot didn't help me any either.

I have a few questions for you guys.

What do you think he will score?

How long are his horns?

Do you think he will come back to water? (This is the only water that I know of for a few miles.)

Have you guys ever blown a gimmy shot?

Also I get home thinking at least I have some great shots of these goats and I find out I had my camera setting on 1meg. Great shots turned into mediocre shots now.
Good luck IB on getting your old friend. You should have focused on the shot instead of picturing him on the wall! Who cares what he scores, he is a unique buck that is cool as hell. Next time, don't sit in your blind for 14 hours, it made you weird in the head.......
thats a nice goat, sweet name we have one on the property we hunt called that too, but his horns make a 90 degree turn then curl like that. start hunting him tomorrow, best of luck with ur goat
Wow.Great pics don't know much about antelope,but looks like nice one.Especially since it sounds like you have been after it for a few years.As to your questions can only answer one have missed my fair number of easy bow shots.May have to try this antelope hunting next year.
Great story and pics !!

1 I would guess he will score in the low 70s Great cutters short on mass Mass is everything on speed goats

2 I am guessing his horns are 14 to 14.5

3 I will set in your blind !!hump hump HE Will be back

4 Yes my frist time a goat came to water I was shakeing so bad I never saw my pins the shot was 10 yards. I always let them drink before I draw but I could never take pics like you I would be to scared to move that much Good luck
Nice pictures! I'll bet he'll come back in, from the sounds of it, he didn't really know what to make of you missing him.
That is a fine buck! Keep at him IB, he'll be back for sure. Unless someone else beats you to him...
Length is tough to figure with hooks that serious, but I'd give him 15".
Prongs are not lacking either, but he does look a little light on the mass.
No more missing 'gimme' shots!!!
Captain Hook is looking good, best of luck putting him down. Sounds like you have a great shot at getting him.

Those doe pics are great as well.
Very cool buck - he's close to 16" in length, definately over 15 1/2, I'll put any amount of $ down on that. Scorewise, maybe 75". That one will look great on the wall, good luck.
You're a patient man IB...I usually don't have the stones to have the camera in my hand with a shooter coming in! ;)
Great pics Bryce! That looks smaller than the original Hook. Could it be Junior Hook?

Reguardless, he is a real good looking critter. He'll come back to the water.
Well I sat this morning for a few hours to check my camera and see if I could get lucky and catch him coming in. We'll Yesterday I got pics of 4 does that watered at 11:30 (The day after the miss). The pics show them looking back so I think the buck was close by but I never had pics of him.

He also never came in this morning. There was a truck driving around most of the morning so that could of caused some problems. I noticed the guy parked not far away. I hope he doesn't blow him out of the country. I'll keep at him and hope for another chance.

I'm with a lot of you guys. I've never really judged a got that swooped forward like he does. It shouldn't matter but it's still hard to figure how far his horns curl. I'm guessing in the 15" range around 73" to 74". There's only one way to find out I guess. :) I'll keep ya posted.
Hes 2x bigger then all the dinks I have been seeing, awesome pics though. Most those water tanks like that usually overflow and I have seen alot of times where they will just water from the seapage out of a footprint in the ground versus the tank, not sure how your cammera was set up, and don't know much about that tank, but an idea
Hey, in the photo of the group of three does, doesn't the goat on the left have a chunk of meat taken out from between her shoulderblades? Either a critter grabbed her, or she got smacked with a broadhead or something.
Never hunted with a bow, but I watched 3 bucks -one after the other- jump and duck the string on my brother. Man, was he bent!! He bought a faster compound and stopped that problem... he was hunting a zone that wasn't restricted to longbow only.
Maybe Capt. Hook is antsy for a reason. Like Mac7, I don't know too much about goats (other than the fact that I'm forced to ignore them when I'm deer hunting), but it appears that he's running a gauntlet every time he comes in for water. Bet he's been nearly wacked a few times before.
Sure hope you've got a silent shutter on your camera, and I'd be so freaked he'd spot movement. Regardless, great story and fantastic photos. Keep at it. You'll get him, but only as long as he thinks that particular water hole is the safest to drink from. Reminds me alot of Blacktail hunting.
IB, I feel your pain. Yesterday I put a stalk on a buck my buddies refer to "slobdick" only to misjudge the yardage and put my arrow just under his belly behind his front legs. I watched him all day yesterday and now he is very hesitant to leave some lock&key private land. I just about vomited as he ran away.
I am thinking he is about 14 maybe, and a total gross of about 62 to 65. I just can't see more. The prongs are very good but they are low on the horn. Too much is pencil thin on top. Kill him and let us know. Ron