Caribou Gear

Cancer fight begins

So sorry. Lots of good therapies. A fishing buddy of mine had surgery, which didn't get everything, and then "regular" radiation, and is 15 years out and doing fine. Lots of bowel issue from the radiation.

I had stereotactic radiation, which aims radiation beams from different angles (think of it as shining light through a pasta strainer) so that the beams coalesce on the tumor sites, so that the effect of radiation is less on surrounding tissues.

This from Ann Arbor, but sure lots of places in Michigan have them.

Thank you, everyone!
I appreciate all the replies, advice, thoughts, etc. I may be reaching out to some of you.
I’ll give my own little piece of advice for what’s its worth….make sure to get an annual physical with your Doctor.
I’ve never had major health concerns, have always stayed active, and overall, I’ve felt great.
Next thing I know, at my annual physical, my Doctor say “your PSA went up a couple points since last year. It’s probably nothing, but we’ll do some digging.”
Fast forward after the exams, PSA recheck, MRI, Biopsy….I hear the final
result of “you have Prostate Cancer.”
I know some of you are aware, but your whole world slows down at that moment….future plans stop, you think about the next step in life and how you need to get things done sooner than later, and a whole new outlook about what really matters in life appears, such as your spouse, family, friends.
May be too deep in emotion for some, I know.
Either way, I’m positive, have a good mindset going into this and will do whatever I can to continue moving forward in life.
Hell, theres many more people in worse shape than me.
Thanks again!
I’ll give my own little piece of advice for what’s its worth….make sure to get an annual physical with your Doctor.
I just went in this year for the full look over. I hadn’t done one in I don’t know how long. A LONG time. I’m 53. I was nervous and taking the ostrich approach to a couple of lumps on my bicep. My wife said “go in or else” so I did.

It was a big relief to get a clean bill of health and know everything was fine instead of ignoring and hoping. Clean cholesterol, BP, poop in a box, etc.
I just went in this year for the full look over. I hadn’t done one in I don’t know how long. A LONG time. I’m 53. I was nervous and taking the ostrich approach to a couple of lumps on my bicep. My wife said “go in or else” so I did.

It was a big relief to get a clean bill of health and know everything was fine instead of ignoring and hoping. Clean cholesterol, BP, poop in a box, etc.
First one in ten years tomorrow morning. Slightly nervous. Considering the last time I had one, I didn't really care for what they told me so I just didn't go back. Brilliant.
Best of luck to you. Sometimes it is so slow growing they say there's no need for treatment. Hope you are one of those folks but if not know it's very treatable these days! I know multiple folks that had it recovered after treatment and are doing well, some many years later.

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