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Canadian Musician's Friday

How have we gone 5 pages without D.O.A.? Canada's contributing founders of hardcore punk. We're falling down on the job here folks.

Most assuredly not safe for work, or for delicate ears. Or for anyone who gets offended easily. Or is hard to offend. Because this will offend.

It's not kind music. But if you're a hormone addled teen who thinks the world is nothing but tossers & wankers, this will speak to you. It will also speak to you if you enjoy the flatulation of canines.

sorry I am late

(9 and 24) :love: as an aside Ken. Linda sang back ups vocals in his Harvest moon cut

(13) I like the bands name ;)

( 14 and 55 ) no argument from me

(49 ) :ROFLMAO:

( 51 ) ????? dont know this one

( 61 ) Some of the Tribal music in Africa is beautiful and smooth. some with no lyrics. I know your comment was in relation to the Inuit music in Canada but the Africa tribal music was very enjoyable in the evenings.

(70) Dave, do you have a long lost brother in Canada ? ;)

( 74 ) I liked this video better than # 49 ;)

( 87 ) also 5 pages without Paul Anka. My husband and I jitterbugged to, "Diana". Obviously no one else here was dancing in the 50's, so Paul got left out :( as did Joni's, Both sides now, which is a great song to set in front of a fireplace, sip wine, and "remember" which brings tears, and smiles, sometimes at the same time.:)
Ok,so. The Tragically Hip are the best Canadian band ever, Rush is 2nd. Nickleback and those other bands that Chad Kroger founded are really just a new type of herpes lol.

This song deserves a profane superlative.
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