Can the Partition be loaded to shoot accurately ?

This target just happened to be handy. 300 grain partitions out of my 375HH. Above are three 180s partitions out of my new 300 HH. I’ve found ballistic tips or Accubonds may shoot a little better in some of my rifles than a partition, they are a hunting bullet after all, not a match bullet. Could always get them to an inch or a little better in any rifle I’ve kept. I’ll start .015 off the lands and work my way back. Rarely gotten to .03 off the lands.
Good luck.


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If you are loving the Nosler Partition, but wanted a bonded bullet, the Swift A-Frame is what you seek. Built like the Partition, but is bonded.
Never even seen a Swift bullet in a store. But when I shot a 7mm Rem Mag I found favor with the Speer Hot Core. Shot into news paper to see what penertation was like and found it fine. But the surprise was the Hot Core bullet stayed locked into the jacket, wouldn't move at all. because of that and the fact they were a bit more accurate in that rifle, they became my bullet of choice for that rifle. Today, thinking from that, if bonded bullet's weren't so expensive, they are what I'd try. Unless I lived in California and then I'd simply leave California! I could find a job anywhere when I was younger!

Might also bear in mind that different rifle's for some reason like different bullet's.
When I was using the Swift A-Frame in my .340 Wby, I bought them directly from Swift. They sold the A-Frame and Scirocco, but since I was chasing Elk, I chose the A-Frame.
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