Caribou Gear

Can someone explain


That help Osc??

When the Supremes on the Heller case ruled that Dick Heller could own a handgun in DC for protection at his home a bunch of lawsuits got filed in different cities and townships that outright banned gun ownership. This latest ruling says that Heller is not just a federal order (DC) but it has to be followed by cities, county, state ordinance (incorporated) as well and it is unconstitutional to ban guns.

There will be more lawsuits filed I am sure because of this covering the Hughes ammendment and NFA as well. NFA is constitutional but the bans on items in the NFA are not.
WV Hunter...Are you an attorney...not that I'm looking for one (at least right now) but you sure summarize like one!
WV Hunter...Are you an attorney...not that I'm looking for one (at least right now) but you sure summarize like one!

Nope, not an attorney, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. Actually I try to keep up with cases pertaining to the 2nd.
It is a good thing. Judge Alito wrote the majority ruling and had some harsh words for the supremes that were against it. He pretty much put the smack down on the leftists.
It is a better thing that bad thing but left undecided what "reasonable" restrictions are on gun ownership and right to "bear"...thus leading to many more cases to enrich fellow lawyers...

By the way, Moosie there is a cupploa hundred page PDF file available that faithfully reports every word in the McDonald decision...personally I don't like McDonald, I prefer Hardees...
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It is a better thing that bad thing but left undecided what "reasonable" restrictions are on gun ownership and right to "bear"...thus leading to many more cases to enrich fellow lawyers...

The part in red is what will be battled over for the next few decades. Reasonable to me means instant background checks are ok or people with a violent history or felonies are denied ownership, but to the leftist, "reasonable" could mean that a semi auto pistol is more dangerous than a revolver or your deer rifle with a high powered scope could be used as a long range sniper rifle and they should be banned.

Law abiding citizens should not be denied ownership of full auto weapons let alone a simple handgun which could save their life against a criminal that wishes to do them harm.
Nothing like consistency in our high the Boy Scounts can ban gays but a Christian College group can"t....makes perfect sense under the Constitutin to me....NOT!
Kinda like the Libs on the Court believing every single right in the Bill of Rights are extended to ALL citizens over riding any State Law and even unspecified "rights" are covered but HELL NO it does not cover the second amendment...