Camp Stove... Adak

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Deleted member 28227

Looking into a backpack hunt in Adak with a buddy, we are assuming that to avoid headaches with airlines we should just get a new MSR multi fuel stove, keep it in the box, and use gasoline once on the island.

Alternative would be MSR pocket rockets but we figured they A. wouldn't have fuel canisters on the island, B. We couldn't put in a special order for them or have them shipped there C. Couldn't fly commercial with them

Sound about right?
Airlines and TSA are so hit/miss that I wouldn't dare offer advice on what will fly and here's an example of why:

I was traveling with my sister and mother as a three person group. My sister isn't a rule follower and ignored the "one quart bag of liquids rule" and brought three one gallon bags of shampoo, condition, makeup, hairspray, etc in her carry-on bag (I'm talking the giant sized bottles from her shower). My mother and I had put all of our liquids in a checked bag, so we didn't have any on us as we went through security. The TSA agent took my sister's three one gallon bags of liquids and split them up amongst the three of us (my sister, my mother and I), so we each had a one gallon bag. Once we cleared TSA, we gave my sister back her one gallon bags and she carried the three bags in her carry-on the remainder of the trip. I can't believe TSA allowed her to keep any of it, heck they usually make me throw away the bottled water that I purchased before getting in line!

I wouldn't take any chances on not having critical equipment on a remote hunt. If you know someone who lives up there (even an outfitter, air taxi or rental place, etc), then mail it to them in advance to ensure your gear is there when you arrive.
I have hunted and camped on Adak several times and am looking at going again in December. No fuel canisters can be purchased there. You'll need a multi fuel stove. Unleaded fuel at the pump. You might find a collection of fuel canisters for free at the Adak airport counter but that is a gamble. Many hunters are able to sneak some over there but get caught trying to sneak unused canisters home. Same is true for gun oil.
When you return home from Adak, be sure to wash out your fuel bottle thoroughly so that there is no smell of fuel or else they can confiscate the bottle. I use hot soapy water, rinse several times with hot water and then leave the cap off.
Can you fly commercial with a oily rag for cleaning your gun? I have a blued barrel so that is definitely a concern for a week long hunt.
I fly with shop towels soaked in gun oil or WD-40 and in a zip lock bag. I'm certain that if found it would be confiscated. So far I've gotten away with it.
Hey! I just wrapped up a 2017 Adak caribou hunt. Send me a message if you want the full write up and results. We hiked 56 miles and spent 5 days straight out camping. Killed two Carribou including what they said was the biggest bull they had seen in years (don’t get to excited). We stayed at an air b&b the night before venturing out and the day before flying out which was great because there was a deep freezer and the lady that hosted us was great! She let us store our extra lugage and coolers while we were out, drove us to the end of the road, and did have fuel canisters we could buy! If you plan on staying with someone I would ask them if they have them for sale. Let me know if you have any other questions about Adak!
Hey! I just wrapped up a 2017 Adak caribou hunt. Send me a message if you want the full write up and results. We hiked 56 miles and spent 5 days straight out camping. Killed two Carribou including what they said was the biggest bull they had seen in years (don’t get to excited). We stayed at an air b&b the night before venturing out and the day before flying out which was great because there was a deep freezer and the lady that hosted us was great! She let us store our extra lugage and coolers while we were out, drove us to the end of the road, and did have fuel canisters we could buy! If you plan on staying with someone I would ask them if they have them for sale. Let me know if you have any other questions about Adak!
Any chance I could shoot you a message? Looking to do a DIY adak caribou hunt this august, thanks!
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