Camp or Motel it???

Big luke1981

Sep 23, 2010
Western Wa.
I am planning my first ever out of state hunt this year and am going to give Wyoming a try for Antelope (draw permitting) I am putting in for some of the easier first timer units in the eastern part of the state. My question is do most of you camp or stay in town. I have never been to eastern Wyoming before and have heard the wind can really cook in the flat lands that time of year. I am fully prepared to do either but wanted to get some input while I am doing all my planning and research.
I was there last year camped a couple nights and got hotel a couple nights.Be prepared to drive a ways to your hunting destination if you go with a hotel and they are not cheap in the area around 70-90 dollars a night.It is much more comfortable though and you will need to bring less equipment with you.
I was there last year camped a couple nights and got hotel a couple nights.Be prepared to drive a ways to your hunting destination if you go with a hotel and they are not cheap in the area around 70-90 dollars a night.It is much more comfortable though and you will need to bring less equipment with you.

Agree with the above stated. One suggestion.... the first night that you get there stay in a motel and get a good meal and a shower and a good nights stay. The next day or even the same day scout out your area for antelope and a placed to camp. This way you will be refreshed for the hunt.

You can camp just off the road on BLM land.

good luck to all
the dog
I have done both. Hotels are nice, but when the weather is above 50 at night, camp out and enjoy the outdoors.
I also have done both. Depending on the area you might be a long ways from a hotel. I say camp and enjoy it. Now if you're into October, you better be prepared for winter like conditions. Doesn't happen often but I've been snowed on plenty of times in October and even September in Wyoming.
Depends on what you want out of your hunt.You could camp in the area you hunt ,have a fire and relax, cook your own food or spend a little cash and get a room and drive a ways and stay in town.Its your hunt you define it.
I went in August for a bowhunting trip for antelope and camped it. It was miserably hot during the day and incredibly cold at night, plus you couldn't have a fire. We were able to camp right in the area we were hunting, whereas the motels in the area would have been a good drive into the hunting area. All in all, I enjoyed the experience and would get a pop up camper next time instead of a tent. I think camping with some buddies and sharing food cost and cooking responsibilities and having the company in the evening as a group just shooting the shiznit made it all worth while. I would definitely camp it next time. But if using a tent I would suggest a good sturdy 3 season tent or a wall tent.
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For antelope I stay in hotels.Mainly because I hunt hma's and you can't camp there.Be well prepared for wind.I lost my blind to an unbelievable wind storm the 1st day I hunted 2 years ago.I think its in Kansas now;never found it.There were 70 mile gusts that day and sleet/hail.That was mid-August.I save my camp outs for elk hunting
cool, im also going to be in eastern wyoming this year for the first time. i'm tent camping, hopefully. taking the wifey on her first big game hunt. i'd say once the wind starts blowin, she starts bitching, i'll be paying for a no tell motel somewhere. what units have you been looking at? and what week are you planning on going?
Spent 7 or 8 nights sleeping on a cot last year on my WY prong hunt. Got wet one night, but nothing too bad.
Like camping better but there's something to be said for not having to haul all the extra gear 1600 or so miles.... and indoor plumbing.
I broke down this year and traded my beloved motorcycle in for the best of both worlds. A 24 foot camp trailer. It's like a motel that follows me around. Hot shower, flush toilet, queen size bed TV with DVD if I get stuck inside (I have yet to be forced inside due to weather but it's handy for cartoons when we stop at a rest area on the highway for the night and my three year old has been in the truck for several hours). To be honest I would rather stay in my trailer than a motel because I have my own sheets, my cloths are already hanging in the closet and the booze in the fridge doesn't cost $12 an oz.
Camping is the way to go!!

By the way Buschy did you get my motel room squared away when we are there?

Ha. You know better than that. I like camping and I'm cheap. That spells no motel rooms for you! You're just trying to get me fired up.

Big Luke,

Camping = less driving!

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