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Cam Hanes new book “Endure”

great book thought it was an awesome book. Ive both read and listened to it. leads me wishing there were mountains in Saskatchewan…… 😂
95% of the comments on this thread have been made by folks who haven't read the book and it shows. The criticisms and assumptions you are making are quite the opposite of reality and you are quite literally furthering his point.

Love the book. Dude is super intense and I have a lot of respect for him after reading it. Everybody has their thing - if you think he wants his thing to be yours or that it is necessary to kill animals....could not be further from the truth.
CAMERON HANES' greatest love is traversing the remote wildernesses of the West and Alaska. He shoots his bow every single day of the year, trains in the weight room 7-days a week and runs 200+ mile ultra marathons in the mountains during the off-season in an effort to toughen up for the mental and physical tests that he'll face in the backcountry. His goal, which he knows is a target he'll never hit, is to become the 'Ultimate Predator

Effin GAY!
CAMERON HANES' greatest love is traversing the remote wildernesses of the West and Alaska.
Effin GAY!
For a guy who’s greatest love is remote wilderness why are almost all his hunts on high priced private lands and glorified glamping trips?

A person can be inspiring and a good role model without being an in your face narcissist his fans need to accept that he’s essentially a “persona” used to sell products
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Its funny because he traverses these wild landscapes and stays in a lodge where all your meals are prepared. He'll say he's hunting public land in Utah however it's landlocked BLM land surrounded by 250,000 acres of private. His problem is he wants to give this perception that he's just so good that he kills a 350+ bull because he's a bad mofo, but in reality they know exactly where those animals are on the ranch and drive side by sides to get close enough to stalk in and call. Joe Rogan has admitted this on his podcast.

I just watched Once is Enough... great flick, IMHO a way more inspiring running tale.
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