Cam Hanes Meeting with Chaffetz

I think we should all be skeptical about this. Seems like a transparent attempt by Jason to market himself to hunters. If he were serious about the issues, he would have invited someone who is relevant to the public lands debate, as mentioned previously.
It's hard for me to imagine a scenario that doesn't involve Cam being steamrolled without even realizing it in the actual discussion of renewing FLTFA.
The Keep Hammering Podcast with Mr. Chaffetz was posted last night. I listened to it this morning on my drive to work. I have a few thoughts on it, but I am anxious to hear what others think after they listen to the podcast as well!
I'm only about half-way through and I have cringed a few times. Cam has 621 and 622 mixed-up in his head. I love Cam and his positive hunting message, but he needs to get more in-depth knowledge of the politics before he goes to the Capitol again. I kept thinking, "I wish it was Newberg sitting there instead of Cam."
I listened to the podcast. I wish it was Randy speaking to him too. But at least Cam was trying to fight the fight. More folks will at least know about hunters fighting for public land issues.
Something tells me that a guy who has spent more time and effort trying to put together a play list for aerobics class than he has spent on "Causes" may not be the best voice and advocate....

Cam Causes.jpg

I know I like to toss a little Sara Evans in between my Akon and Eminem.

Do people really pay $30 to for paracord to look like him?? I could see Chaffetz wearing one of these beauties...

Cam Para Cord.jpg

The Day Fin starts selling bracelets.... I'm out.
I thought a couple times there was a reason mr. chaffetzs did the interview with cam and not Randy or Steve Rinella. IMO chaffetz came out good for people who do not know the history like most hunttalkers do. I would of liked to see Randy go unfiltered a few times!
I applaud him for trying but Chaffetz wouldn't dare have Randy or Rinella who know the issue in depth. There were so many times I wanted to yell out loud during the podcast and give Mr. Chaffetz something back. Cam just doesn't understand the issue enough. He failed to call out the fact fully enough that it is CONGRESS breaking this system, it is CONGRESS who has the keys to fix it, and Jason Chaffetz himself is a "fed". I also cringed a few times when I felt Chaffetz was trying to hard to come across as an actual hunter. Needless to say, Cam got a few things out there but hardly even scuffed the surface of what needed to be said.
I am 15 minutes into the podcast. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. This is truly embarrassing for the hunting community.

He has no clue what he's talking about. Jason is rolling him.
Cam was clearly out of his element (as he acknowledged) but he did a decent job considering. Chaffetz is a POS. There is no question he is an enemy of public land users and, even worse, a career politician.
I am 15 minutes into the podcast. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. This is truly embarrassing for the hunting community.

He has no clue what he's talking about. Jason is rolling him.

Jose, I agree he got Abby steamrolled, but I don't think any politician wants someone groomed on this subject. I even had to stop it a few times and take a break. I could have debated Chaffetz better.
I am 15 minutes into the podcast. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it. This is truly embarrassing for the hunting community.

He has no clue what he's talking about. Jason is rolling him.
Jose, if you're so inclined can you explain why he got steamrolled as I didn't and won't listen to the podcast. Just being a member of this forum is as far I want to venture into the world of social media. My life was just fine before my wife and kids convinced me to trade in my flip phone for a smart phone.
Jose, if you're so inclined can you explain why he got steamrolled as I didn't and won't listen to the podcast. Just being a member of this forum is as far I want to venture into the world of social media. My life was just fine before my wife and kids convinced me to trade in my flip phone for a smart phone.

I am driving, so short answer is Cam did not know the subject material, at all.

Jason was able to feed him bullshit, without being able to be challenged.

Like mentioned above, I'm not sure if it can be finished.
I am driving, so short answer is Cam did not know the subject material, at all.

Jason was able to feed him bullshit, without being able to be challenged.

Like mentioned above, I'm not sure if it can be finished.

Please finish listening to it and give us a short breakdown of where/how he was steamrolled. I have been trying to somewhat follow the public lands issue but admittedly am not well versed on the subject. What are your feelings on Chaffetz motivation for this bill 622. I know he is slick politician and Cam did not have the knowledge to debate him very well. If you listen to the end, it sounds like Cam talked to someone and he comes back and asks some follow up questions. I try to keep up with the subject and I'm having trouble telling when Chaffetz is lying and when he is truthful. I need someone more knowledgeable to give me the # TRUTH.

Would love to hear Randy's opinion on the matter.
Please finish listening to it and give us a short breakdown of where/how he was steamrolled. I have been trying to somewhat follow the public lands issue but admittedly am not well versed on the subject. What are your feelings on Chaffetz motivation for this bill 622. I know he is slick politician and Cam did not have the knowledge to debate him very well. If you listen to the end, it sounds like Cam talked to someone and he comes back and asks some follow up questions. I try to keep up with the subject and I'm having trouble telling when Chaffetz is lying and when he is truthful. I need someone more knowledgeable to give me the # TRUTH.

Would love to hear Randy's opinion on the matter.

On 622, as a sportsman and Utah resident I do not support it. I don't know if you listened to his podcast but on 622 he should have had more to say. 622 fixes NOTHING. It redirects funding to local sheriffs office that is currently used to pay for BLM and FS law enforcement. Chaffetz during the podcast complained that the BLM and FS have one officer for millions of acres whereas the local sheriff has 20-40 officers. This argument is ridiculous. You know why the BLM and FS only have 1 officer for millions of acres? Because people like Chaffetz starve the bushes of these agencies and stop them from being able to have more. How can he complain about the amount of officers when it is him sitting in congress slashing their budget? The county sheriff has 20-30 officers because they are doing a different job. You aren't going to catch a county sheriff going into wilderness areas, patrolling cattle grazing issues, or in the hills ensuring our laws are upheld on public lands. County sheriffs are also subject to political pressures. A BLM or FS LEO is not. Chaffetz kept bringing up the point that the sheriff is voted in by the people so he is more in tune to their concerns. BS. The laws stay the same regardless of who enforces them, polticial influence should have no bearing on the laws you choose to uphold or not. Chaffetz bill HR 622 is just ridiculous. The laws on public lands should be enforced by the agencies managing them. Just like the state has state game wardens the federal land managment agencies need federal officers enforcing laws they have been trained and well versed in. Go ask your county sheriff what laws they are trained in on land managment, wilderness areas, wildlife, and federal land? Guess what they haven't and that's why enforcing laws on those lands should not be left to them. Chaffetz during this discussion was a total hypocrite in my view. He sits in congress complaining about these agencies that HE has voted to break. It's easy to point out a problem when you're the one creating it. Want more LEOs patrolling public lands Chaffetz? FUND THE AGENCIES THAT MANAGE THEM.
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