"Calling" with a side of bird hunting


New member
Sep 6, 2014
Did anyone notice the Blurb in the outdoor section of the crappy Tribune Thursday?
The Pump station on Muddy creek that puts water in to Benton lake was opened to hunting. It has been closed for Many years as part of Benton Lake water foul area, WAY back when I was a Kid.
It's not very big ,with the BLM and state and Benton lake land, It's a little over a square mile. It has an active railroad very near the east edge. and Muddy creek and two small drainages run through the center. Muddy creek this time of year runs almost as much as the sun river, It's an irrigation drainage creek. You have to hunt one side or the other. I ran out there this morning and hunted the north and east side. It's a Non tox area so I packed steel #2xb 3" steel for ducks and pheasants and 3 1/2" "T" heave-shot for coyotes. I got out in to the field at O dark 30, and it was Very dark. I walked out to the far end, north east corner , in the dark and snuggled up to the railroad fence. I stayed on the State land, I didn't know the regs for calling coyotes on the federal part, Started to call, poop, the batteries went dead. Changed them out and tried again. Two minutes and went bad once more, Dang ,had to have a bad one in the mix, tried 8 more, there got it... I had my head lamp on but it's not much of a light. It will light up there eyes but that's it, I have to point the shot gun at the eyes and hope. I had one come in dead down wind behind me that I couldn't see and it slammed the caller but was leaving before his eyes hit the light. No shot. Later on the way back I called again later , I had a pup come in and get on the train track but it couldn't find a way to get past the sheep fence and finally it just gave up and went away. I hunted the brush along side the creek back and kicked out 50 or so HEN pheasants. The only Rooster got up and flew across the creek , I didn't shoot him, no way to get him if I killed it. That was it and came home. There is three sections of BLM across the road that we do call and shoot gophers on this will open another section for when the wind is wrong. I'LL BE BACK !!!!
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