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Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

Un-fing believeable and now they postponed Skiba till May.
We have to get our crap together - NOW!!!!!!

As Skiba has withdrawn, Senate rules probably mandate that the nomination be held over (This would be the procedure that allows some grace in the resignation rather than get voted down on top of the resignation). They will keep pushing it back, so long as the resignation sticks.
Wow, just wow. The Governor and his henchmen, Dan Gibbs and company, got to those front range Senators. Many of those Senators represent suburban front range communities with significant numbers of hunters, anglers, ATV, OHV, trail riders, etc. They chose the Gov and his anti-hunting groups over their constituents. If you live in any of those districts, you should let them know about it.
It makes me think Skiba was the sacrifice to fill a seat with an anti hunter.

We might at least get a proper sportsperson rep out of the deal.

Maybe not…
If something doesn’t change the future of Colorado hunting is pretty bleak. We were able to move the needle a bit and that is great but we are still up against some serious hurdles. If the Governor can appoint and confirm such openly anti-hunting activists to the commission, it is only a matter of time. The anti-hunting coalition in Colorado, led by Samantha Miller, along with Center for Biological Diversity, Animal Wellness Action, WildEarth Guardians, Humane Society, etc will launch anti-hunting petitions to the commission every year. A few more Beaulieu’s on the commission and they will easily pass.
Would have rather had Skiba than her… was really worried that was gonna be the case

That’s why he was the sacrifice. Burn the political capital on the most contentious seat.

Wow, just wow. The Governor and his henchmen, Dan Gibbs and company, got to those front range Senators. Many of those Senators represent suburban front range communities with significant numbers of hunters, anglers, ATV, OHV, trail riders, etc. They chose the Gov and his anti-hunting groups over their constituents. If you live in any of those districts, you should let them know about it.
If you don't let your senator know - THEN YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
That’s why he was the sacrifice. Burn the political capital on the most contentious seat.

Agreed… but part of this is on us; we pushed against him and look where it got us. And now polis can put in whatever nomination - if after May - and they won’t be confirmed for a while.
Agreed… but part of this is on us; we pushed against him and look where it got us. And now polis can put in whatever nomination - if after May - and they won’t be confirmed for a while.

But hence political capital. His senators might not have the appetite to ram through another… especially if we make our voices damn well heard.
I think every hunter, angler, outdoor rec user should flood the news outlets with editorials slamming these front range Senators for confirming a commissioner openly hostile toward hunting and unable to meet the statutory reguirements. Maybe a few journalists pick it up also.

We should also reach out and thank Roberts, Hinrichsen, Zenzinger, and Kolker for having the courage to stand up against Chairman Polis and hold the appointees to their statutory requirements.
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I think every hunter, angler, outdoor rec user should flood the news outlets with editorials slamming these front range Senators for confirming a commissioner openly hostile toward hunting and unable to meet the statutory reguirements. Maybe a few journalists pick it up also.
Exactly - this is where RMEF/BHA and other interests that have good PR people within them can help get the word out on what happened today.
This should really be a major wake up call to hunters, anglers, and outdoor rec users in Colorado. We knew Polis has an anti-hunting agenda but we now know that the anti-hunting extremists also control the Senate. They have the ability to completely shut out the voice of sportsmen and women in those districts.

I was really disappointed to see folks like Priola and Exum from Weld and El Paso county vote to confirm. Exum is a former firefighter from the springs! Every firefighter I know is a hunter, many guide and outfit, how would he defend that kind of vote in a firehouse?

We really need a Political Action Committee specifically focused on state elected officials. Publish some type of “Sportpersons’ Voting Guide”, so hunters and anglers know who is voting against their interests. Identify those candidates and support their opposition in primaries and general elections.
It may be an unpopular opinion but just because someone isn't pro-hunting doesn't disqualify them from serving within the Commision of the Parks and Wildlife. While I don't agree with some of the rhetoric used by those groups, they still represent a portion of the state. I still stand by the opinion that collaboration works better than open hostility.
There’s a difference between “not being pro hunting” and being a political tool used to push an ideology and not represent your constituents.

The latter doesn’t even deserve a discussion about their place on or anywhere near a commission. I’m pissed about this.
It may be an unpopular opinion but just because someone isn't pro-hunting doesn't disqualify them from serving within the Commision of the Parks and Wildlife. While I don't agree with some of the rhetoric used by those groups, they still represent a portion of the state. I still stand by the opinion that collaboration works better than open hostility.
Sure. But that doesn’t apply to Beaulieu. Folks can be pro-hunting, neutral, or anti-hunting. There is a big difference in being neutral and anti-hunting. Have you looked at the rhetoric from Animal Wellness Action and Sam Miller lately? Their long term goal is clear, end hunting, bit by bit, piece by piece over the coming decades. Reshape the CPW commission. They do not represent a large portion of the State, they just have the overwhelmingly support of the Governor. Beaulieu worked for Center for Biological Diversity, runs the University of Denver Animal Law Program, and testified in favor of failed SB22-031 before the Senate Ag and Nat Resources committee, the mtn lion hunting ban, stating that trophy hunting is an unnecessary, inhumane threat the cats. All completely false of course. How would you describe that? If you can’t see her implicit anti-hunting bias, I can’t help you.

How do you collaborate with groups that want to eliminate you? Lots of hunting, fishing, wildlife conservation, and outdoor recreation groups collaborated to oppose this appointment. They were completely ignored by the Gov and the majority of the Senators.
From Colorado Politics

The vote on Beaulieu was 19 to 15, with four Democrats — Roberts, and Sens. Rachel Zenzinger, James Coleman and Nick Hinrichsen — voting against, along with the Senate's 11 Republicans. (One was excused for a funeral).

The final tally was not surprising. What was surprising was the other user groups who also opposed this particular nominee. Mountain bikers, snowmobilers, stock growers, and hunters. Regardless of her positions on hunting, Beaulieu is clearly unqualified and does not meet the requirements of the position. Yet the good senators confirmed her.

The rest of the legislative week is full of anti-gun bills. So that should be great.
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