California fugitive

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Hey California,
I understand California likes to promote itself as the most firearms restrictive state.
How well did those restrictions work in this case?
Is it possible that 'bad guys' don't give a rat's ass about the laws? Is it possible your plan will take firearms out of the hands of those who intend to defend themselves against such criminals?
California is Bankrupt-both financially and morally. Their state has more debt than any other. Theirs are the most restrictive gun laws in the country. They are the most tolerant of EVERY screwball social/moral demographic out there.
Cali may enact further legislation and this will continue to happen. Will it then be up to Oregon and Nevada and Arizona to enect similar or be held responsible?
I guess I just wanted to point out that the bad guys don't follow rules today any more than they did before the last legislative volley.
California is Bankrupt-both financially and morally. /QUOTE]

I agree with BOHNTR....There are a lot of good people with good morals that live in California, just like everywhere else. Unfortunately few can ruin it for many.
Nikster, I hunt blacktail deer in the Most Liberal County in the state. I've also lived in the panhandle of the Gem state. Don't go throwing stones. Truth is you make the best of where you need to live in order to be with the people you love and support.

Truth be told, I have seen many first generation farmers, and other people taking an active role in their food chain coming out of this liberal hotbed. I also guarantee you that the pendulum swings both ways. While I don't agree with many of our elected officials stance on a number of issues, I am here because there are people here more important to me than them.
Very well said John. This Jackass Ca fugitives behavior had nothing to do with gun laws. A really unique experience... and very sad for way too many.... Ed F
Well said 2rocky and important to remember.

I was watching thw media circus on Fox yesterday evening. Unbelievable what those dudes will say to fill dead air.
Hey Idaho,
While you complain that we're bankrupt and have more debt than any other state why don't you give us back the welfare we've been throwing your way for the last 20 years. We lose get $.92 for every dollar we sent to Washington while you freeloaders get $1.19. During that time we have sent a surplus of $336.2B and we currently have a debt load of around $ freeloaders however have sucked $24.1B off our teat...which is just about our debt load, convenient.
I dont speak up much on here but feel the need to respond.

As a resident of Big Bear Lake, CA we have been put in the middle of this manhunt for the better part of a week. To see how this small community has come together to support the search for Dorner and to support the law enforcement community should make anyone that is a part of my community proud. I bet if you came to my community you could not tell whether you were in a small town in California or Idaho, the people here are some of the best around so to lump everyone in to a group just because of where they are from is very ignorant.

The fact is a local sheriffs deputy was killed yesterday another one from Big Bear Lake is fighting for his life right now, another local woman and her daughter were tied up hostage by him yesterday and a local man was carjacked by him right before his last stand. I know or am friends with someone who knows every single person that got personally affected by this yesterday. This town is no different than any other small town in Idaho or Montana or Wyoming for that matter.

Maybe now just for a minute would be a good time to stop trying to assign blame to things that had absolutely nothing to do with this incident. This has never had to do anything with gun control or the financial or moral condition of a state.

There is a funeral going on right now for a Riverside Police officer rand in the next week there will be another funeral for a local deputy who gave his life trying to protect our community. Stop for a minute and show some respect.

Ok, ok, okay!
I will not address each response separately because the point of each is the same-I have offended you, my friends- and you have reacted.
The point has been made that this is not the time for this discussion. I respect that.
I would like to discuss this further when the time is right.
I dont speak up much on here but feel the need to respond.

As a resident of Big Bear Lake, CA we have been put in the middle of this manhunt for the better part of a week. To see how this small community has come together to support the search for Dorner and to support the law enforcement community should make anyone that is a part of my community proud. I bet if you came to my community you could not tell whether you were in a small town in California or Idaho, the people here are some of the best around so to lump everyone in to a group just because of where they are from is very ignorant.

The fact is a local sheriffs deputy was killed yesterday another one from Big Bear Lake is fighting for his life right now, another local woman and her daughter were tied up hostage by him yesterday and a local man was carjacked by him right before his last stand. I know or am friends with someone who knows every single person that got personally affected by this yesterday. This town is no different than any other small town in Idaho or Montana or Wyoming for that matter.

Maybe now just for a minute would be a good time to stop trying to assign blame to things that had absolutely nothing to do with this incident. This has never had to do anything with gun control or the financial or moral condition of a state.

There is a funeral going on right now for a Riverside Police officer rand in the next week there will be another funeral for a local deputy who gave his life trying to protect our community. Stop for a minute and show some respect.


Well said and that is part of what's wrong with this country today it's way to easy to get wrapped up in al this crap these days. And Nickster way to man up my friend your last comment is right.
Ok, ok, okay!
I will not address each response separately because the point of each is the same-I have offended you, my friends- and you have reacted.
The point has been made that this is not the time for this discussion. I respect that.
I would like to discuss this further when the time is right.

Well said Nick.
Ok, ok, okay!
I will not address each response separately because the point of each is the same-I have offended you, my friends- and you have reacted.
The point has been made that this is not the time for this discussion. I respect that.
I would like to discuss this further when the time is right.

There was quite a bit of truth in your OP... but timing is everything...I don't think anyone will argue about Ca. being a liberal state..:eek:l

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