Caribou Gear Tarp

Cabelas & Elk Foudation Boycot Sports Show.

Are not the political prostitutes exploiting a tragedy the least bit culpable? Reed caved to kneejerk leftist pc and it's customer base made a stand, I assume, as an homage to their customer base.

They aren't. It's their show, and they can choose who can buy a booth.

The knee jerk reaction was made by the vendors. Celebrities had to fall in line with their sponsors.

Where was the stand two weeks ago at the SHOT show? The same vendors paid Reed piles of money to put on a show in Vegas. I'm interested to look into the timing of Reed's black gun announcement and the SHOT show. I feel like this came out before SHOT, but I'm not positive.

Either way, I'm sure there is another venue in Harrisburg that could handle this show. Why didn't any of the vendors try to put something together?
Either way, I'm sure there is another venue in Harrisburg that could handle this show. Why didn't any of the vendors try to put something together?

I take you've never been? The venue is friggn HUGE. I used to go every year usually spend 2 days there. It takes about a full day just to walk by all the booths! harrisburg isn't that big.

I do feel bad for all the guys that rely on bookings at that show. On the other hand I'm glad they took a stand.
Where was the stand two weeks ago at the SHOT show? The same vendors paid Reed piles of money to put on a show in Vegas. I'm interested to look into the timing of Reed's black gun announcement and the SHOT show. I feel like this came out before SHOT, but I'm not positive.

SHOT Show is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a very critical organization to the shoot sports, based in Newtown, CT, the same town as the Sandy Hook shooting. Reed is a contractor hired by NSSF to help with the show.

That relationship is now in jeopardy. Not sure of the timing of the announcement by Reed relative to the SHOT Show, but I am sure they did not want to tick off NSSF and lose the money they make by being the paid contractor to help with the SHOT Show.

I suspect it is as someone mentioned. A person at Reed, completely disconnected with the issue, made a decision that made them feel good. Now, no one is feeling good, Reed, the vendors, the people in Harrisburg, etc.
I take you've never been? The venue is friggn HUGE. I used to go every year usually spend 2 days there. It takes about a full day just to walk by all the booths! harrisburg isn't that big.

I do feel bad for all the guys that rely on bookings at that show. On the other hand I'm glad they took a stand.

I've been there a few times.

My point is, they could have tried.
"The knee jerk reaction was made by the vendors. Celebrities had to fall in line with their sponsors."

Are you kidding me with that statement, LOL! Knee jerk reaction! What should the gun manufacturers have done that make and sell those firearms that were banned? They certainly weren't going to all get together an applaud that decision! I also doubt that all the people who pulled out were beholding to the affected businesses. IMHO it was fantastic to see people and businesses pull together and take a stand on something that wouldn't have even affected their particular businesses. To say that they should have come together and run it somewhere else with just a few days notice is also ridiculous when a show that size takes a year to put together and a place that's huge to hold it in.
I suspect it is as someone mentioned. A person at Reed, completely disconnected with the issue, made a decision that made them feel good. Now, no one is feeling good, Reed, the vendors, the people in Harrisburg, etc.

That's exactly my problem with what happened.

One knee jerk bad decision, led to another knee jerk bad decision, which cost people money. There is a ton of collateral damage created by both sides.
That's exactly my problem with what happened.

One knee jerk bad decision, led to another knee jerk bad decision, which cost people money. There is a ton of collateral damage created by both sides.

Would you please tell us who you are talking about when you keep making this "knee jerk reaction" comment over and over? If you're talking about the company banning the items that led to the boycott, then you may be somewhat correct. If you're talking about all those who pulled out of the show, then IMHO you are way off base. See my previous post as to why!
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"The knee jerk reaction was made by the vendors. Celebrities had to fall in line with their sponsors."

Are you kidding me with that statement, LOL! Knee jerk reaction! What should the gun manufacturers have done that make and sell those firearms that were banned? They certainly weren't going to all get together an applaud that decision! I also doubt that all the people who pulled out were beholding to the affected businesses. IMHO it was fantastic to see people and businesses pull together and take a stand on something that wouldn't have even affected their particular businesses. To say that they should have come together and run it somewhere else with just a few days notice is also ridiculous when a show that size takes a year to put together and a place that's huge to hold it in.

Sorry, I broke my own rule for keeping my mouth shut on such topics. I had some weird dreams about Jim Shockey, and Big Fin last night. Lets just say I'm scared straight. :eek:
It didn't involve a red bandana and a DQ Blizzard did it? Wait, I don't want to know. LOL

All I can remember is a Nissan Titan, Sitka gear, crossman air rifle, 150 grains of Jim Shockey's Gold, and lots(and lots) of guff.

Also, I woke up craving a pumpkin spice latte, weird.
me thinks a line is now ,drawn in the sand,and this permoter crossed it,and it cost them and other people money,but the only way to claim total victory,is to cost our elected officials who vote for these gun bans,there jobs.
then we will have achieved victory.:)
dustin, sorry you are so upset about this. Are/were you a vendor or connected to one? Personally I do feel bad for the small guys, but it was about time something like this had to happen. I just hope we hear the outcome.
dustin, sorry you are so upset about this. Are/were you a vendor or connected to one? Personally I do feel bad for the small guys, but it was about time something like this had to happen. I just hope we hear the outcome.

It had no direct affect on me, but I owned a small business that was dependant on home shows. I know how important every person walking by a booth is.
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