PEAX Equipment

Cabelas and Bass pro shop merger always did stink.

Enjoyed reading the thread and offer a view I didn't run across.

I haven't been thrilled by the merger, I enjoyed having 2 similar but yet very different outdoor sports stores within a fairly reasonable drive. I also hated how it all went down as much as the next guy.

I noted in the early 2000s that BPS was sourcing a LOT of inventory from China and I was an early adopter of the ABC idea (anywhere but china). Not that I hate China, but I hated that back int he 90's while people were bickering about NAFTA trade deals were being signed mostly in secret with China that have never been favorable to the consumer. Sure we get cheaper goods but to someone else's point, those cheaper goods have given middle America a false sense of buying power. I also noted that with this country of origin came lower quality from BPS.

Then Cabela's came to town and we rejoiced at the new choices and quality of gear that were different than the BPS.

Keep in mind, many of you have options not otherwise commonly available. Also, it's been my experience that local smaller stores don't carry the vast selections the box stores do, we'll use Sitka as an example. Cabela's is the only store in my area that carries it. For guns, I usually go with a LGS and not the box, but other gear and clothes, BPS and Cabela's have been my go to.

Now post merger, the Cabela's is not what it was with more and more BPS brands taking up space.

I happened to be in both stores this past week, I needed to replace my vacuum sealer and ended up at BPS buying a cabela's branded item. Then rode 2+ hours to the Cabela's a few days later so I could put hands on a Christensen I have my eye on. I don't like to blind order guns, but will probably order one via my LGS.

Our other options include Academy which is a frequent ammo stop of mine but they are lacking on most other gear. Then there's Dick's... haven't stepped foot in one since you know when. I've also just realized that there is a Sportsmans just up the road from me about an hour. I'm going to ride up to it to check it out, it may replace my Cabela's since they are roughly the same distance away but in different directions.

Anyway, my point to all this is that sometimes we have to settle with what we have available and with many things we either like or need to put hands on the items before we buy them so ordering online isn't always an option.

Would I prefer to hit a LGS for Sitka gear or Mystery Ranch packs? Sure! But given my local, I doubt that will ever happen so off to a corporate box store I go.

Oh - one last thing, the wife loves the clothes at BPS/Cabela's although the camo thong may be left for the younger ladies. :)
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