CA Late Season Buck (pics)

Nice buck as always Roy. Hard to believe you had that much competition with only 35 tags. Apparently everyone had the same ideas you had. Still not sure about seeing a Bowtech in your pics.
Nice deer and its great that you are willing to work so hard... olefish
MAn.... sell me your old Hikers... they have to be lucky !!!! :D :D

Big congrats on the tagging again.
Hey thanks guys.....I had a great time.


I was drawn for G3 (Goodale).

Great buck, congrats!! G-3 or G-37 will/are the two trophy draws for this state. G-3 has 35 tags and G-37 (in my back yard) has 25 tags. There are great bucks in both units but the one that BOHNTR killed is an awesome buck as well. TO shoot anything over 18 inches on public ground in CA is a trophy. Congrats once again!!!
I would have shot that first buck you photographed. After reading the posts from others on this forum it's plain to see you are a class act. You are the type of hunter that gives hunting a good name. Helping others first. also you seem to be a very dedicated and successful archer. Great photo's and Congratulations on a fine buck.
great buck, but i would have flung one at that first day buck anytime....

That is a great buck. Like many people, I get as much enjoyment out of great field pics as the hunt itself. As usual , you post some of the better field pics here. CONGRATULATIONS on a great animal!
Caribou Gear

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