Buying my child points

I have been buying points for my kids for the last 6 years (from 12 years old). I figured if I liked hunting / travel there is a good chance my kids will too.

At this point my daughter isn’t interested in a western hunt but my son definitely is.

My view is doing a western hunt is such an amazing adventure (the people, scenery, culture etc) I wanted to share this with my kids. I’m happy with my point buying and glad it opens up an option to have a shared experience with my kids.

Exactly. It is about the potential for that shared adventure. It has nothing to do with me wanting to live my boys lives for them. My dad and I have shared many hunts together. Is it asinine to want the same thing to happen with my sons? I fail to see how I'm somehow setting them up for failure in life because I have dreams, hope, aspirations for possibly sharing in adventure with them. If they don't ever cash in those points for a hunt, I'll find some other interest they have and pursue it with them. I'm multidimensional, and willing to encourage them to succeed in anything of their choosing. Financially, mentally, physically.....whatever it takes.
The amount of people who think that parents buying their children points for hunting permits is somehow detrimental to that childs upbringing is really a head scratcher. I think that forcing your child to play a sport or an instrument or anything he/she doesn’t like has a much further negative impact then buying them points for hunting. Hell, my kids won’t even know I’ve done it for them if it turns out either of them don’t have any interest in hunting. I’d go out on a limb and say that most, if not nearly all of the hunters on this forum don’t FORCE their kids to go hunting with them. I know I certainly won’t. As long as it’s legal to buy them points, I’m going to do so until it’s either illegal, or it’s clear that they don’t have an interest in hunting.

Merry Christmas!
This thread is beyond comical. The OP simply asked where and if he could buy his kid points. This is what’s wrong with society nowadays. Instead of supporting each other and sharing our passion for getting our families in the outdoors, people are attacking each other for simply trying to create more opportunities to do so.
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