Bundys have been aquitted in Oregon.

I know practically nothing about law, but how could we have possibly lost this case?? I'm both confused and pissed.
Jury's are made of people....people are stupid. Enough said! I hope it gets appealed!
I know next to nothing about the legal process but I don't think the prosecution can appeal the decision once it has been made. Maybe they can try for a retrial I don't know.

The upcoming court case in Nevada though is a much more serious matter, where they were without a doubt threatening federal employees with firearms. I hope they don't walk away from that one
Guess I'll just not pay my taxes,bills and just go do what I please, where I please.
Laws & rules?
Who needs them? Why did I live by them and uphold them all my life? Why did I bother to wear a badge? Serve my country?

I'll deal with Bundy personally if he ever shows up here.
This is unbelievable - with all those guns, the rounds of ammunition, all the bloody video they took of themselves and they all get acquitted?

How in the hell can our law enforcement, federal employees, have any peace of mind, security or confidence in what they are doing if people can pull this kind of terrorism and get away with it?

You can bet your ass that this will embolden others.

I have only been called for jury duty once, back in Texas. I answered their questions about the law and such, nope, I was not chosen and never once since then, have I even been called. I have a number of friends who have relayed similar situations of being called, only to be refused because they had degrees, were doctors, scientists, hell, ethics and common sense seem to preclude you from jury duty. When they talk about a trial by a jury of your "peers", they apparently weren't bloody kidding in this case.
Jury's are made of people....people are stupid. Enough said! I hope it gets appealed!

Maybe I'm wrong and know nothing about the law. Let's get this straight people are found "NOT GUILTY" and you want it appealed. SO every time people are found NOT GUILTY we want an appeal. Where will this end??? Shall we keep putting OJ Simpson on trail after he was found NOT GUILTY??

I would suggest that you read the 5th amendment to the US Constitution..... "Double Jeopardy"

Whether I agree or disagree with the out come of a trail..... that is our judicial system.

good luck to all
the dog
What's really a kick in the bag is that it's also president Theodore Roosevelt's birthday today. A guy who as a president conservationist established many bird sanctuaries like the one taken over by the Bundy welfare parasites. Those first bird sanctuaries TR setup formed a major foundation for the next 100 Years of conservation.
Whether I agree or disagree with the out come of a trail..... that is our judicial system.

I concur.

If the verdict had been guilty and the other side started with the expected comments of, "The fix was in" or "The Feds had it rigged from the start," how would we respond to their complaints? I hope those who support the Bundy's can accept a different outcome if that is what happens in their pending Nevada case.

If the prosecution had such a weak case, or the prosecution is so inept that a goat roper defeated them, or the judge let the hearing go without guidance, that is not the fault of the people who are acquitted. It is the job of the prosecution to make the case that a jury will find compelling and arrive at a guilty verdict. It is not the fault of the defendant if the prosecutor fails to do that, for whatever reasons.

I accept the outcome of the process, even if it leaves me scratching my head as to how the prosecution could mess up what by all appearances was a slam dunk case.

The Bundy's have another case pending. If the verdict is the same, then so be it. I may not like the outcome and I do agree it will embolden more fools. But, that is the system we live by.
Because humans are fallible, the judicial system is necessarily so.

It will be interesting to see where the defense out-maneuvered the prosecution: the psychological manipulation of the jury, the bias identified and capitalized upon in the jurors, the overconfidence of the prosecution and those of us watching....

Go back and read the Bundy threads on this forum knowing now what the outcome would be. Every single commenter including myself was way off...
I disagree with the outcome, but I can accept the outcome. I hope for a different verdict in the Nevada case, but if it is also not-guilty, that is our judicial system and that is how it works. I can disagree with the verdict all day long, but that is the verdict.

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