Caribou Gear Tarp

Bugle Report

Been hunting the Colorado Front Range since Sunday. I haven’t heard a single bugle. We are breaking record highs right now though. Multiple days in a row. Was 87 degrees when I got in the truck at 8500ft yesterday. But I’m also not very good at this so could just be I don‘t know how to find elk.
Heard 3 lazy bugles this morning in S Colorado. Big bull (330+) had about 30 cows and was pushing them around.
@TheTone hopefully they’ll start talking for ya. I don’t go up until Oct for rifle but plan on bow hinting the first part of the trip if they’re still at it. Hunted Challis last year on the rifle opener and sorely missed not having my bow with.
Heard 3 lazy bugles this morning in S Colorado. Big bull (330+) had about 30 cows and was pushing them around.
I was suppose to be heading to S Colorado today but my "buddies" bailed out Thursday night. Hopefully you get on that bull!
Spent the last 2 nights at about 11,600 in central Colorado, nothing but silence. Scouted the area several times, saw elk and heard bugling in August. Time for
Plan B….
Bulls were hot couple days ago but seem to have settled a little bit today. They were sleeping by 8 today. Now is the time to kill a big one, I know of 3 general unit Montana public land bulls over 350 that fell within the last two days. I’m specifically after this one right now.
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Bulls definitely not as hot today as two days prior in SoCo. Only one bugle in the daylight today.
I’m laying under a tarp right now listening to bulls ripping back and forth pretty close to me. Tomorrow might be the day.
That was funny… Talked back and forth with a bull this morning but other than that it’s been quiet.
Been shutting up pretty early in the 730. But firing back up as early as 3:30 in Central MT. Lots of bulls...lots of bugles early this year.
Quiet in Idaho panhandle. My son and I got 2 bugling good last Sunday at 3 in the afternoon which is weird for the area. Had a raghorn 5 come in silent that morning also. Other than last Sunday it’s been pretty uneventful. But we have only been out 3 times.
Had a spike come in silent on the fifth. Haven't seen or heard anything since up here in NW Montana.

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