buffalo hide?


Aug 13, 2011
Dads going in December to shoot a cow buffalo for meat but I thought it would be cool to get the back hide tanned and use for a throw on the back of the couch. Has anybody had it done and about how big is the back hide on an average sized cow... I've got a call into mytaxi about his price but The taxi they use there wants $500 which is up from $375 14 months ago plus shipping which Sony be cheap so I'm not sure if its even worth it now and just wait till one of the family actually gets a good enough number for the teton bison hunt Opinions?
Looking at some of that I think this guy is pretty high considering a full hide is 550 plus shipping on eBay and this is just dads back hide being tanned ...maybe my taxi will be lower
I'm a taxidermist and my cost to tan is $13 sq ft. I have to flesh it down ( not easy) and salt it, then pay shipping to tannery both ways. So...I charge 2x = $26 sq ft.
If a hide has sentimental value then it might be worth it.....otherwise, it's far cheaper to buy one already tanned. ........the reason why it's cheaper to buy one is because hides are sent in bulk overseas to be tanned where people work for pennies a day. Tanneries in the US can't compete with overseas slave labor.
Awesome thanks a ton ..... Really there isn't any emotional attachment just a cow for the freezer I may hold off and hope one of women or myself draw a bison tag that would have the emotional attachment with it
I had a huge cow elk done a couple years ago to give to my mom to put over the back of her leather couch. I searched allover but ended up being cheaper for me to send it to CO and have it done. I packed it in a cooler with dry ice and shipped UPS. These guys gave me great service.

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