Yeti GOBOX Collection

Bucket list.....

If we're talking about shoot-for-the-moon type stuff, I've got

- Rifle hunting a big ol' rotten Tule elk on some beautiful stretch of California countryside.

- Hunting desert sheep in Mexico with the caveat of no English speakers in the hunt party besides any guest I bring along.

- Hunting either caribou or moose in some portion of Eastern/North Eastern Canada.

-Pronghorn buck north of 80"
MT grizzly bear if they were to get delisted and I was lucky enough to draw. 2nd would be any North American sheep of any species.
I’ve achieved my dream of hunting moose with my dad. I’d love to get a moose tag in Colorado now.

Probably my #1 dream for myself now would be Alaska Dall Sheep...more for the experience than for the animal itself. It’s more likely I would probably pay for my kids to go on this hunt when they’re older, and I’d tag along as an observer.

A more realistic goal is to see my dad shoot an elk. He didn’t draw his tag this year, so I’m hoping for next year.

Also dream of having my kids being able to have some great hunting experiences.
I have already been very, very fortunate : elk and mule deer in several western states, big whitetails in Kansas and Canada, waterfowl from the Maine Coast to Saskatchewan, Caribou in the north. Kodiak Island in November for Blacktails, waterfowl, and fish would be awesome !! My wife says I better hurry up !!
I have already been very, very fortunate : elk and mule deer in several western states, big whitetails in Kansas and Canada, waterfowl from the Maine Coast to Saskatchewan, Caribou in the north. Kodiak Island in November for Blacktails, waterfowl, and fish would be awesome !! My wife says I better hurry up !!
You going to Kodiak this November ?
Looking like that will be on the menu for me this November.
Wonderful thread to read, thanks John
I've ticked off a lot of 'bucket list' type hunts over the years and have a few remaining.

Cape buff in Tanzania or Zim
Elephant in Botswana
Kamchatka Snow sheep
Maral in central Rus.
Big ass Canadian whitetail in Saskatchewan
Coues deer in Mexico

The first few will be down the road, but the last couple will be in the near future.

You will certainly enjoy these hunts and hope you do them all. While in Kamchatka, if time and funds permit, the Marco Polo is a magnificent hunt and animal. Take oxygen tanks with you (-: Best of luck, enjoy
Bongo in Cameroon. One of the most beautiful animals in my opinion.
you will LOVE this hunt and yes, very handsome animal. While there also hunt the Giant forest Hog. they do not look like the wild hogs in Texas (-:
I've always been one of those whose interest in the landscape pretty much determines what species falls into the bucket.

Having crossed off a few locations in recent years, the next four priorities, not in any specific order, are:

Brooks Range of Alaska - I missed a chance with Grandpa for Dall Sheep. So, this time it will likely be caribou, if that is still allowed for non-residents and non-subsistence hunters.

McKenzie Mountains - This one is getting crossed off in 2023. I really don't care if it is mountain caribou or Dall Sheep. Ten days covering the landscape is something I am looking forward to.

Finland - Capercaillie has been on the list for a while. A grouse of that size, on a landscape I've dreamed of, is a bucket item.

Yukon - I don't really care if it is ptarmigan, moose, sheep, caribou, or whatever. I just want to see this county for a couple weeks with a rifle in hand.

In the favorite hunt thread I included our Mackenzie trip as one of my favorites. It is beautiful Randy. You will love it,

and---:)---we hunted the Capercaillie in Sweden and on ski's --very unusual hunt and animal. Still one that the family speaks of often

best of luck, enjoy!
Where to start? Like Big Fin, landscapes factor in to a lot of my bucket list hunts. People I enjoy being around factor in highly as well.
Dream hunts that probably won’t happen.
Yukon Stone sheep.
Ibex and Maral Stag in Mongolia or Khazakstan.
Bucket list hunts that have a good to great chance of happening- DIY Alaska moose and caribou.
Alberta archery mule deer
New Zealand Tahr, chamois, and red stag. Free range DIY
2022 Huntalk Bear Hunt. Just to eat jalepeno poppers and @JohnCushman’s chorizo breakfast burritos, pick ticks and listen to hunting lies.
Gerald, as mentioned above, you might also research the possibility of including the Marco Polo while your in Khazakstan. As mentioned above--great hunt and animal. Good luck and Enjoy !
Cape Buffalo in the tall grass with a stalking rifle.
as long as it is a "Double" ;)

Best of Luck and enjoy !
Elephant in the Zambezi River Valley
:love: Carl best of luck and hope you do it soon---AND--as mentioned to Ben----with a double ! ;)

I might add to those who are waiting for one reason or another. If you can afford it, do it sooner, not later. It isn't just the years, its the decrease in body
movements, strength, wind, dexterity, etc.

My "bucket list" is now my planning ( and funding ;)) hunts for my grandchildren and great grand children and I am loving every minute of it.

Wishing each and every one of you the very best of luck on "your" bucket list hunt !
well this can't be right

118 posts and nobody wants to hunt walrus, muskox or polar bear :(

at least a couple guys are thinking about coming up for a sheep hunt and one liked the idea of going on a whale hunt and another a bison hunt. hope he meant wood bison, not one of those small bisons south of us ;)

my bucket hunt, is the 1st place trophy in The Yukon Quest :)
Probably either bighorn sheep (tag availability) or dall sheep (cost). But you know honestly years ago I went on my first muley hunt in Montana with a friend and we both said "man this was a hunt of a lifetime" . I've been lucky enough to now say that many more times than I deserve to be honest. They are all hunts of a lifetime I guess even in our backyard.
well this can't be right

118 posts and nobody wants to hunt walrus, muskox or polar bear :(

at least a couple guys are thinking about coming up for a sheep hunt and one liked the idea of going on a whale hunt and another a bison hunt. hope he meant wood bison, not one of those small bisons south of us ;)

my bucket hunt, is the 1st place trophy in The Yukon Quest :)

@BuzzH did Muskox. That would be a ton of fun.
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