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Bs Bulls

Craig S.

New member
Dec 10, 2005
All right, I have seen pictures of many good bulls taken this year and most of them are out of UTAH. I live and hunt mainly in Arizona and many claim to have killed 400 inch bulls this year but I have only seen one bull that too me looks to be that big (I am talking Arizona). Stan I saw a pic of the bull that Josh helped you all on and that bull is big and you guys call it 390 ish but all of these other bulls besides the bull taken by Mullens seem to fall short of the 400 mark. It cracks me up how people can stretch the truth and make every bull 350-400. On a drought year (late winter to late spring) many bulls in western and central AZ are just shrunk up in the back end (fact from craig steele's dictionary). I hunted hard with my 52 year old dad this year & we saw one bull that would go 360-370 (we did not hunt unit 9,8 or 10), we did how ever see a handful of other bulls that would go between 330-350. My dad ended up killing a small 6 point on the last day and we were happy with the meat. Like Stan, Josh E. and many others can confirm many bulls are just elaborated or fabracated and I get DAMN tired of it.

By the way here is a 200 inch buck I killed in August...


OK, he is only in the low to mid 170's but hell everyone else lies...

Moosie, thanks for providing us with a website where everyone can be honest!

Craig Steele

Focker Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Craig, nice buck! I'm suprised at how many upper end bulls have been taken in AZ this year. Some are a little suspect on the scores but great bulls none-the-less. We've taken two over 400 (auction tags) and the the 390's P&Y you mentioned (398 2/8 straight 6x6). Most of the others archery bulls were nice but drought effected on the top end.

I walked in my door at 2:00 A.M. this morning after packing a clients bull out of a nasty canyon. It wasn't the one we wanted but a 350 if he was intact.

I still say overall, the AZ antler growth was down this year. There just happened to be a few more exceptions to the rule this year.

It'll be interesting to see what the late season elk hunts bring.
Yet another welcoming comment from 280...damn man quit sucking on lifes lemons and be positive for a change. Hell you might even find yourself enjoying it?

Nice buck CraigS.
..there is no post on which 28zero shan't lift his leg. :cool:

I appreciate the info Stan & Craig bring. Nice muley.
Nice buck Craig. I am hearing about more bulls up here going higher than usual. We had a really good May and June for rain, and a better than recent years for July.
Sorry guys I was just venting whe I wrote this post (The Crown was talking last night.) I have to quit getting so hyped up about scores.

The high was around 108 the day I killed this buck but it was a dry heat. I should have posted the picture in the mule deer section but I wanted to use him as an example.

Stan, Glad to see Josh smoked a good bull. From what I know of Josh that bull was definitely deserved.
Careful there Craig....ol' 280's bicycle isn't too steady when he's on the peddles backwards, but hang around and you'll get used to it ;)
congrats Craig....very nice buck!

( smell's like cat piss in here )
Stan, Glad to see Josh smoked a good bull. From what I know of Josh that bull was definitely deserved.

Josh deserved a good bull for sure, he a a good hunter. I think his bull went 352 and change?

Don't mind 280, I think they rotate computer time at the group home he lives in. There's a good chance it'll be a few weeks before he posts again..

Here is a pic of Josh E's(antlerboy) 2007 stud. He worked his butt off and whacked this bull at 13yrds. I wish I could have been there to see it go down.

Yoy know how in Bass fishing a 8 pound bass looks like it is'nt even the same species of fish as a 1 pounder, the same holds true with these Monster Elk, they just demand that you look at them differently. Great Pictures. John
Yeah, that bull has a hell of a body...Big Old bull for sure!

Here are some pics of some bulls that I filmed on my dads hunt. You all can give them your best guess. I would not normally post these photos but I really don't give a #$## anymore.



Moving on....


This bull is only 32-34 inside.

The next bull...



I found this bull a week before the hunt. This picture does not do him justice... We saw him many times throughout the hunt.

One more...



I know these are not the best scoring pics but get over it...

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