PEAX Equipment

Browtine in Training

Your on BEotch.. we can record it for Utube. Also, IDB can referee, you remember when we were next to your elk and compairing your gut to my 6 pack? bwuahaha.. There IS NO denying who will own who...

Where are your robes, Ignacio?
They were... stinky. These are my recreational clothes.
They look expensive.
Thank you. I mean... they might have the appearance of riches, but beneath the clothes, we find a man... and beneath the man we find... his... nucleus.
one more quote from Nacho

Esqueleto: I don't think I can lift you. You are too fat.
I never saw the video ?!? When was the date ? Meet me 1/2 way ?

Perhaps you would like to join me in my quarters tonight, for some toast ?