Brother in Alaska

We did a Combo Caribou and Brown Bear Hunt in the Mulchutna herd. That was a cool trip! We also did the Kodiak Island Goat hunt which again was a pretty cool trip. If on Kodiak, pick up a deer tag as well, and bring a fishing rod. We shot 2 goats, couple of silvers, and a small halibut. Wish I would of brought a shotgun as there were ducks cruising the bay we were based out of as well.
Sheep. Goat. Muskox. Moose. Bison. Caribou. Brown Bear. Wolf. Deer. Back Bear. Wolverine. That would be my priority.

Set your priority and start with the leftmost entry. If can add a species to that first hunt, so be it. Some are OTC and some have to draw so might have to skip over a species as wait to get tag. Go get 'em!
I think everyone is pointing you in the right direction.... When my brother lived up there ^^"FRENCHY" ^^ we started with Moose because he didn't have his residency. Next on the list was the Caribou / Brown Bear out of Bethel.... that one was a blast, but I would still put it behind goat and sheep. We did the Kodiak goat hunt the following year.... I have been back up there to fish twice since then, and REALLY want another crack at that hunt, it is such a cool place.

One of the biggest regrets of my hunting life is that I did not do a sheep hunt while he was up there....... The last year he was up there we did the Haul Road caribou hunt..... drove right through the Brooks range and should have just stopped and hunted sheep. He ended up moving back, and now I all I can do is hope I either win the lottery or draw a MT Sheep tag. Not sure which is more likely.

Put the moose, caribou and black bear on the back burner until you check off the sheep, goat, brown bear. I ended up going to POW after my brother left the state.... great trip, but didn't need a guide.... so it can wait. Once you get "the feel" for Alaska on your first few trips, you will be able to go back up, with or without your bro to do all the non-guided species.
I used to live in Montana.

Three nice things about sheep hunting:

1) August when Montana is hot, you could really extend your season with a refreshing August hunt up here.

2) Long, long days in August

3) Sheep hunting is easier with young legs....take advantage of the opportunity